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When news broke that Potato Head was opening in Hong Kong, design lovers were especially excited. That’s because PTT Family, the group behind the venture, is known for the design of their establishm­ents as much as for their fresh approach to hospitalit­y. Designed by Sou Fujimoto, the Sai Ying Pun space features his signature linear architectu­re melded with eclectic elements such as greenery suspended from the ceiling and Indonesian craft given a contempora­ry twist (case in point: the wall cladding at Kaum). The latter also informs Canaan, an in-house boutique that retails pieces such as indigo fabric and ceramics handcrafte­d by Balinese artisans. "I wanted to showcase traditiona­l craft, but in a modern way. I work with the artisans in terms of direction so these are pieces you won’t find anywhere else," says Emmelyn Gunawan, Canaan’s creator and curator. | 當Potato Head在香港開幕的­消息傳開後,設計愛好者即興奮不已。正因物業背後集團PT­T Family素以出色­清新設計和專業住宿服­務聞名。這個西營盤空間由藤本­壯介設計,帶有其標誌線向建築風­格,並融合不拘一格的元素,如從天花延伸開去的綠­色景致,而印尼工藝亦注入一絲­當代氣派(如Kaum的牆飾)。店內精品空間Cana­an出售靛藍色布藝和­陶瓷餐具等,全由峇里工匠手製而成。Canaan創作人兼­策展人Emmelyn Gunawan表示:「我想以現代方式展現傳­統工藝。我跟工匠合作,打造出你在其他地方找­不到的創作。」 PTTFAMILY.COM HO≤E JOURNAL


Unusually placed greenery infuse Potato Head Hong Kong with a tropical vibe


Indonesian restaurant Kaum features intricate wood panelling that showcase local craft Various fabrics sourced from Bali are sold alongside bespoke ceramic objets at Canaan

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