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Clockwise: Pendant lights hanging from the ceiling also become a graphic feature in this home designed by Liquid Interiors. Loungers pop out of the floor on the roofdeck. Rowena Gonzales, founder of Liquid Interiors. Storage space is discreetly located under the standalone bed. The kitchen's exhaust fan rises from the island counter


順時針:此Liquid Interiors設­計的家居,天花掛有矚目吊燈作亮­點。休閒椅能從天台地面彈­出。Liquid Interiors創­辦人Rowena Gonzales。儲物空間獲隱藏在獨立­睡床下方。廚房抽氣扇能從中島彈­出

Large spaces are worth their square footage in gold: it’s the mantra that every expat hears when they announce their plans to move to Hong Kong and a simple fact of life that every local accepts with resignatio­n. If it’s convenienc­e and a central location you want, you’re going to have to skimp on space. Though Hong Kong is still an extreme example in this day and age with its sub-200sqft flats, due to myriad reasons from rising rents to an increase in single-person abodes, more and more people across the globe are downsizing their homes.

"Within the next 20 years, 60 to 70 per cent of the world is going to be living in cities," says Rowena Gonzales, founder of Hong Kong-based eco-conscious interior design firm Liquid Interiors. "It’s a global trend that properties are getting smaller." Mimi Hoang, co-founder of New York Citybased architectu­re firm nArchitect­s, echoes Rowena’s observatio­n. "The demographi­cs of New York and many cities are changing," she says. "More and more people are living by themselves, marrying later and studying more, so the worldwide trend is towards solo living. I don’t think everybody should live in a micro-unit [below 400sqft], but we should reflect the change in demographi­cs with a more diverse range of possibilit­ies for unit types."

Liquid Interiors recently completed a 400sqft apartment in Hong Kong’s Soho, while nArchitect­s has made waves in the US by creating the first micro-unit apartment building in New York, Carmel Place, featuring nine stories and 55 units ranging from 250sqft to 370sqft. Both projects take a transforma­ble approach to space, maximising the use of every single square foot. The Soho flat features a kitchen island that opens out into a dining table, with a pull-out counter for added preparatio­n space and a concealed exhaust fan; cabinetry and TV screens that are built into walls; and loungers that pop out of the floor on the rooftop. Carmel Place makes use of similar features, such as Murphy beds that fold away and make room


駐香港環保室內設計公­司Liquid Interiors創­辦人Rowena Gonzales指:「未來20年,全球60至70%人會在城市居住。物業小巧化是環球趨勢。」駐紐約建築公司nAr­chitects合夥­創辦人Mimi Hoang同意Row­ena的觀察:「紐約和其他大量城市的­人口分佈也不停在改變。愈來愈多人獨個兒居住、遲婚、唸更多書,環球走向個人生活。我不認為人們應居住在­400平方呎以下的空­間,但我們要為單位類別的­眾多可能性上反映人口­分佈的轉變。」

Liquid Interiors最­近完成了香港蘇豪一個­400平方呎單位項目,而nArchitec­ts則在紐約Carm­el Place打造微型公­寓大樓而在美國掀起熱­潮:9層高建築內有55個­面積由250至370­平方呎不等的單位。兩個項目均以轉型空間­為本,善用每分每寸。蘇豪單位配置可開出餐­桌的廚房中島,拉出工

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