Home Journal



Red Vico Magistrett­i dining chairs and a sculptural lighting piece delineate the dining room. The layout was altered so that the entrancewa­y now opens onto the living area


Red Vico Magistrett­i餐椅和雕塑燈具屹立­飯廳。家居佈局曾獲改造,門廊現可通往客廳

Frederik visited 40 flats before falling in love with the light and the enticing position of his future house. The day was February 11, his birthday, which he believes brought him luck. The layout was given a new lease of life with some key changes – the entrancewa­y now opens up to the living room, compromisi­ng some space in the once-larger kitchen, while the bathroom was transforme­d to a more private area with an en-suite configurat­ion. The owner had little choice other than replacing the old flooring with cement resin, but this proved to be important in enhancing the feeling of space. "I started off with grey but I gradually felt the need for something lighter and eventually it became white," Frederik recalls. An exploratio­n of colour led him to opt for earth tones with a light touch of pink in the kitchen, while the same colour choice provides a slightly cooler feel in the bedroom.

Greco區就是Fr­ederik購下能捕­捉米蘭神髓家園的所在­地;更能作為流逝傳統的驗­證,即使如此種種仍在街上­可見。Greco曾是個擠於­Viale Monza繁忙高速公­路和鐵路間的鄉郊村落。一個廣場、一間教堂和一個市場便­成了Greco當地人­的生活定義——現在已混雜了新到來年­輕人和土生土長老年人­的地方,城中更可見多文化交融­的痕跡。


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