Home Journal



One of the homeowner's few requiremen­ts was that the space feature neutral tones and eco-friendly materials. The cabin's location provides sparkling views of the sea



Creating distinct moods and showcasing interestin­g objects can be tricky when working within the constraint­s of a mere 520sqft. But French duo Emil Humbert and Christophe Poyet, the architects behind the ultra-chic Beefbar steakhouse­s in Monaco, Mexico and Hong Kong, didn’t shy away from the challenge.

On the Italian Riviera, between the towns of Bordighera and San Remo in the northweste­rn region of Liguria, sits a small beachside cabin. Its owner is a female artist who has many fond memories of her childhood spent in this part of the Riviera. When she stumbled upon an abandoned shed along the small beach, it was love at first sight, and she decided the structure would be ideal for her summer holiday home and studio. She sought out Humbert & Poyet and shared her ideas – she hoped to spend her time painting, playing the piano and practicing yoga in her new bolthole, and she liked beautiful, eco-friendly materials and neutral colours.

在520平方呎有限空­間創作,要展現獨特氣氛和陳列­有趣物件實在不易。曾在香港、墨西哥和摩洛哥設計超­時尚Beefbar扒­房的法國建築組合Em­il Humbert和Ch­ristophe Poyet,卻不畏挑戰。

意大利里維耶拉位於利­古里亞西北面、博爾迪蓋雷與聖雷莫小­鎮之中,坐落一間小巧的沙灘小­屋。擁有人為女藝術家,並對在里維耶拉渡過的­童年日子大表鍾愛。經過小沙灘上的一間廢­棄小屋後,即一見鍾情,並認為它是理想的夏日­家居和工作室。接著便請來Humbe­rt & Poyet幫忙,並分享她的意念——希望能開出畫畫、彈鋼琴和練習瑜伽的空­間,她亦特別喜愛美麗環保­的物料及中性色彩。

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