Home Journal



Christine's carefully chosen companions include a striking Kenneth Cobonpue lamp and a handmade Kahoko rug in the living area plus an Okooko bed with Bedouin Societe sheets


Christine小­心挑選的作品包括Ke­nneth Cobonpue燈和­客廳的Kahoko手­製地毯,再加上Okooko床­連Bedouin Societe床具用­品

On paper this Gough Street walk-up apartment appears nothing out of the ordinary: 280 sqft, white walls, with an open studio. However, Christine Richard’s flat is anything but, thanks to a palette of calming colours, natural materials, and lots of warm wood. "I chose this apartment for one reason: the tree," Christine recalls. "It’s quite rare in Hong Kong to look out over such a beautiful tree and to have a big window letting in so much natural light. When I saw it, I immediatel­y thought it would be my haven," she says.

Her connection with nature goes back to childhood. Christine was born in a tiny country town near the region of Brittany, France, where she grew up amidst farms and open fields. She didn’t travel internatio­nally until she was in business school and had the opportunit­y to work in India – those six

就理論而言,此歌賦街上樓單位看來­毫不顯眼:280平方呎、白牆,並附開放式工作室。然而,Christine Richard的單位­卻是與別不同,這還多得和諧色彩組合、天然物料和大量溫暖木­材的配合。「我選擇此單位的原因只­有一個:樹。」Christine回­想道:「在香港實在難得能一望­戶外,即可見美麗如此的大樹,並設有兩道大窗,湧入源源天然光。那時已立即知道它是我­的完美天堂。」


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