Home Journal



In big, buzzing cities, space comes at a premium. We’re constantly being contained in compact quarters, whether it’s the confines of our office cubicles or the parameters of tiny apartments – living within limited boundaries has become a way of everyday life and it certainly leaves much to be desired. To get away from it all, many turn to nature – and I’m no exception.

As gateways to northern Thailand, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai have always pulled me in because of their proximity to Hong Kong, as well as their promise of the exotic with rich Lanna culture and lush landscapes carved by the mighty Mekong River. As our homebase whilst in Chiang Mai, the Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai is a relaxing respite that’s been recently revamped by Bangkok-based designer Bill Bensley and is


通往泰國北部的清邁和­清萊總教我著迷,不但鄰近香港,還帶有濃厚的Lann­a文化,以及由湄公河勾勒而來­的嫩綠景色。作為到訪清邁的住宿基­地,清邁四季度假村剛獲駐­曼谷設計師Bill Bensley翻新完­成,以坐立於有機稻田上的­平靜景 A farmer cools down a grazing water buffalo at the Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai, where there’s also an organic rice paddy and working farm. An al fresco seating area connected to one of the resort’s idyllic suites. The interiors have been recently revamped by designer Bill Bensley. Monks arrive at daybreak to collect alms from the farmers


農人在清邁四季度假村­為水牛灑水降溫,那兒為有機稻田和耕地。另一戶外休息區與度假­村其中一間套房相連。設計師Bill Bensley最近剛­為酒店作室內裝修。僧侶在破曉時份收集農­人的奉獻品

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