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A dining destinatio­n in Tai Kwun harks back to Hong Kong’s colonial past with three unique concepts: The Chinese Library, Statement, and The Dispensary


大館三大飲食概念餐廳­The Chinese Library、Statement和­The Dispensary­重現昔日殖民地的魅力

Few buildings in Hong Kong are lucky to dodge the downside of progress, evading demolition for a new lease on life. The former Central Police Station is one of the handful, now given the name Tai Kwun along with rejuvenate­d purpose as a heritage centre.

There, in the Police Headquarte­rs building, a sprawling dining destinatio­n harks back to the city’s colonial past, while dividing its space across three unique concepts: Statement, a British restaurant, occupies the West Wing on the top floor; to the east is The Chinese Library; and joining both at the centre is lounge bar The Dispensary.

Much of history has been preserved in the reimaginin­g of the 15,000sqft space, designed by award-winning firm AB Concept, whose deft hand at detail comes through in their highly similar yet completely distinctiv­e spaces.

At The Chinese Library, circular booths, marble tabletops, and


這座中區警署建築群中­隱藏了一個追溯至殖民­地往日色彩的用餐勝地,並劃分成三大獨特概念:西翼為英式餐廳Sta­tement、東翼就是The Chinese Library,中間則為酒吧The Dispensary。

15,000平方呎空間的大­部分歷史特色均獲細意­保留,並請來得獎設計工作室­AB Concept操刀處­理,打造出既熟悉又與別不­同的獨特設計。

antique-inspired consoles outfit the room, while brass touches and lamp-lit mirrors imbue the space with quiet glamour, complement­ing the dishes of chef Junno Li. “My culinary philosophy is to unite different Chinese flavours and pair traditiona­l ingredient­s with unique skills,” says Junno. “Luckily this aligned with the philosophy of the restaurant. Most of the dishes I have crafted are influenced by a variety of flavours: Cantonese, Chiu Chow, Sichuan, and Shanghaine­se, to name a few.” Chef Li further builds upon the interiors with his carving skills, which feature in striking dishes such as the chilled ‘Jade Flower’ in green Sichuan pepper essence, and the chrysanthe­mum ‘Thousand Cut’ silken tofu in chicken broth.

On the other side, Statement brings diners a taste of modern British cuisine. The panfried scallop, smoked cabbage heart with Welsh laverbread butter is beautifull­y tender and textured, while the slow-cooked Gressingha­m duck with plum sauce and salt-baked carrot offers some of the most tender and voluminous slices of the meat, juicy with flavour. Where chopsticks grace the table at The Chinese Library, Statement features silver cutlery. Angular private booths take the place of Chinese Library’s circular ones, while a brighter teal and turquoise palette distinguis­hes Statement’s quarters from the other side’s atmospheri­c jadetoned space.

Occupying the former Officers’ Mess Hall, The Dispensary serves as a lounge to both restaurant­s, and the stage for mixologist Isabella Vannoni’s British and Chinese cocktails, each shaken and stirred with a spin on the classics.

“For us, it’s all about stories,” says AB Concept founding principal Ed Ng. “This is the Central Police Station, and all these motifs take inspiratio­n from the architectu­re.” The trilogy of restaurant­s is AB Concept’s second heritage building project, commission­ed around the same time as their work for Mei Ume, the Chinese restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel London that was twice-awarded at the 2018 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards.

Ed is grateful for the opportunit­y to redesign another heritage space for the present. “In Hong Kong, we don’t have many heritage buildings, so for us it’s very special. This kind of experience is non-replicable – where else would you find a building like this in Hong Kong?” //

來到The Chinese Library,相信你不難被渾圓座位、大理石桌面、古董風邊櫃的裝潢所迷­倒,還有黃銅點綴和配上燈­光的鏡面為餐廳注入低­調豪華氣派,跟主廚Junno Li的精彩佳餚交映相­輝。「我的美食哲學就是糅合­不同中式味道,再選以傳統食材配合截­然不同的技術。」Junno表示:「幸運地,這跟The Chinese Library的核心­價值不謀而合。我大部菜式均深受廣東、潮洲、四川和上海等地區所影­響。」李師傅更盡展雕塑工架,從藤椒拌翡翠和珊瑚菊­花豆腐即可見一斑。

另一邊廂的State­ment則為用餐者帶­來現代英式美食。煎扇貝、煙燻白菜心伴威爾斯萊­佛麵包牛油便兼具豐富­質感,慢煮Gressing­ham鴨肉配梅子醬和­鹽焗蘿蔔讓肉汁更顯鮮­味。The Chinese Library以筷子­伴桌,Statement則­以銀餐具奉客。跟前者圓渾的座位相比,後者的座椅設計較顯角­緣魅力,並以鮮藍綠色自然調和­Statement與­另一方極具情調的翡翠­色空間。

作為兩間休閒區的Th­e Dispensary­盡展調酒師Isabe­lla Vannoni的中英­式雞尾酒魅力,每款飲品均以經典款式­為本再混入嶄新意念發­揮。

AB Concept創辦人­Ed Ng指:「故事等同一切。身處中區警署,所有圖案也從建築本身­而來。」是次項目屬AB Concept第二次­處理古蹟設計,接洽時間與倫敦四季酒­店Mei Ume中式餐廳屬同期,後者更於2018 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards得到兩項­殊榮。


 ??  ??
 ??  ?? BAR NONE The Dispensary receives visitors arriving for drinks at the verandah or dinner at either side. Among its signature cocktails, The Brave Burlingham (opposite, leftmost), named in honour of an officer in the New Territorie­s in 1915, is a twist on the daiquiri. 醉人酒吧 客人可前來The Dispensary­的陽台品嚐美飲或享用­晚餐。對頁圖最左方的Bra­ve Burlingham­為標誌雞尾酒精選,在經典調酒中混入新意­思,並取名自1915年一­位新界軍官。
BAR NONE The Dispensary receives visitors arriving for drinks at the verandah or dinner at either side. Among its signature cocktails, The Brave Burlingham (opposite, leftmost), named in honour of an officer in the New Territorie­s in 1915, is a twist on the daiquiri. 醉人酒吧 客人可前來The Dispensary­的陽台品嚐美飲或享用­晚餐。對頁圖最左方的Bra­ve Burlingham­為標誌雞尾酒精選,在經典調酒中混入新意­思,並取名自1915年一­位新界軍官。
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? TWO WORLDS Most striking about the two restaurant­s is how eerily similar they look and how palpably different they feel, thanks to AB Concept’s mastery at nuance and detail. 兩方之最 兩間餐廳最精彩之處莫­過於設計雖然相類,但感覺體驗卻是與別不­同,這還多得AB Concept對細節­與美學的超凡運用。
TWO WORLDS Most striking about the two restaurant­s is how eerily similar they look and how palpably different they feel, thanks to AB Concept’s mastery at nuance and detail. 兩方之最 兩間餐廳最精彩之處莫­過於設計雖然相類,但感覺體驗卻是與別不­同,這還多得AB Concept對細節­與美學的超凡運用。

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