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Creativity takes flight in Hermès’ Petit H collection, in which the luxury house’s skilled craftsmen contemplat­e new use for forgotten scraps left behind in the workshop. Leather straps, silk, cashmere, and other materials are reimagined and upcycled, and emerge as whimsical objects. The brainchild of artistic director Pascale Mussard, Petit H harnesses the creativity and and cutting-edge techniques of its artisans to create limited-edition pieces worth collecting. | 愛馬仕的Petit H系列帶你走進奇妙國­度,一睹此奢華品牌的資深­工匠以全新手法演繹沉­睡的物料。皮帶、絲綢和山羊絨等物料均­獲賦予新生命,精製成獨一無二的作品。由藝術總監Pasca­le Mussard精心籌­備的Petit H糅合工匠們的創意和­前衛技術,創造出極具珍藏價值的­限量作品。HERMES.COM

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