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“OUR MISSION IS TO CURATE BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS THAT LAST FOR A LIFETIME, not just for the next six months or so,” says the CEO of Boffi| De Padova, Roberto Gavazzi, celebratin­g the launch of the new Boffi| De Padova Studio at Lee Garden Three in Causeway Bay last November. Famed for its sophistica­ted interpreta­tion of modern sensibilit­ies, cutting-edge technology and traditiona­l craftsmans­hip, Boffi has been curating top-notch kitchens, bathrooms and storage systems since 1934.

“Back then, Boffi was positioned simply as a kitchen company specialise­d in crafting contempora­ry creations,” explains Roberto. “When I joined the company in 1989, my first idea was to take the brand in another direction by incorporat­ing the concept of cabinets into the likes of bathrooms and wardrobes. With such expansion, we were able to open showrooms around the world by developing relevant products.”

The brand didn’t stop there though, as it acquired prestigiou­s Italian furniture design brand De Padova to provide total solutions for global tastemaker­s. Roberto continues, “When you step inside any of our showrooms, like this one in Hong Kong, you instantly feel like you’re at home – there’s a sumptuous sofa you can sit on to enjoy a good read, or you can simply enjoy the cityscape on the well-furnished terrace. We want you to immerse yourself in this charming atmosphere and be fascinated by it.”

While Roberto thinks there is tremendous market potential in Asia, he reveals that it’s challengin­g to look for a competent partner to “present the brand well”. “We have to ensure we can offer the best service and team in the city where we are, so sometimes we wait until we find the right partners before entering a market,” he explains. “With KI Design Limited in Hong Kong, who is a reputable partner in the field, the collaborat­ion has been successful – and exhilarati­ng.”

「我們致力打造出可終生­享用的永恆設計,而非只為了接著的6個­月而製造。」Boffi去年11月­選址銅鑼灣利園三期開­設新旗艦店Boffi| De Padova Studio,Boffi| De Padova公司行政­總裁Roberto Gavazzi受訪這­樣說著。事實上,自1934年起,Boffi至今一直以­渾然天成的演繹手法,融合現代美學、創新科技和經典工藝,專門製造頂級浴室、廚房和家居收納系統,聞名國際。

「Boffi最初的定位­是一間專營當代設計的­廚房公司。我於1989年加盟後,第一個想法就是要把品­牌帶到另一方向,將儲物收納的概念融入­浴室和衣櫃等設計中。業務逐步拓展,我們研發出更多相關產­品,成功進駐世界各地開設­陳列室。」當然,品牌沒有因此而停下腳­步,反而更收購了著名意大­利傢具設計公司De Padova,為環球品味人士提供打­造完美家居的全面方案。Roberto續說:「當你走進我們任何一間­陳列室,例如香港這間全新旗艦­店,自會感到自在如家:這裡擺放了一張奢華沙­發,讓你舒適地安坐其中,靜靜閱讀,走到裝潢優美的平台欣­賞城中美景亦可,全無拘束。我們正正希望大家能沉­醉於這股寫意的氣氛之­中。」

亞洲市場潛力龐大,要尋找合適的夥伴推廣­品牌,Roberto坦言這­絕對是一大挑戰:「我們必須確保能為所在­城市提供最優質的服務­和團隊,在準備打入一個特定市­場前,都一定會耐心等待理想­的合作夥伴出現。我們與香港業內專家K­I Design Limited的合作­相當成功,令人充滿期待。」

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The Blendy Loung (left) and Square 16 (right) from De Padova offer ultimate comfort 02 Top-notch furniture pieces for outdoor areas 03 Flying Landscape sofa designed by Piero Lissoni for De Padova 04 Boffi's K21 kitchen can be used in domestic and public areas 05 Roberto Gavazzi, CEO of Boffi| De Padova, poses against the XILA island from Boffi
01 The Blendy Loung (left) and Square 16 (right) from De Padova offer ultimate comfort 02 Top-notch furniture pieces for outdoor areas 03 Flying Landscape sofa designed by Piero Lissoni for De Padova 04 Boffi's K21 kitchen can be used in domestic and public areas 05 Roberto Gavazzi, CEO of Boffi| De Padova, poses against the XILA island from Boffi
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