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Each year, DesignInte­lligence – a respected annual ranking system of America’s academic excellence that focuses on interior design, architectu­re and landscape architectu­re – surveys academics and business leaders to determine the universiti­es that best prepare students for careers in these profession­s. Interior Design, one of the original eight programmes at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), was ranked No. 1 in 2019, marking the seventh time since 2008 that SCAD’s undergradu­ate and graduate programmes have achieved rankings. Today, the interior design programme is one of the university’s most popular programmes.


Khoi Vo, the Vice-President of SCAD Hong Kong, shares that the interior design education at SCAD covers all the angles of the profession including design thinking, creative problem solving, profession­al communicat­ion skills, the ability to effectivel­y collaborat­e with other discipline­s, and a strong aptitude to lead. Another great opportunit­y students have during their journey at SCAD is participat­ing in the SCADpro programme. This presents students with design challenges that they can work through with their fellow classmates and faculty across various majors to offer creative solutions for industry partners.

Having strong connection­s within the industry and a great reputation, SCAD gives students the knowledge they need to prepare for the job after graduation. The university encourages cultural exchange between students to foster creative ideas, and they can work directly with industry executives through internship opportunit­ies.


Students from the programmes are exposed to numerous opportunit­ies in order to produce highqualit­y work. Professors at SCAD have extensive profession­al experience and knowledge to share about pursuing a career as an interior designer. SCAD Hong Kong student Robin Woo’s favourite course to date has been “Introducti­on to Interior Design”, taught by Professor Laura Cavanna, a successful Italian interior designer. Her industry experience, coupled with a great passion for teaching, provides students with more than just academic learning; it also connects them with a larger network.

Another student, David Hsieh, says that he enjoys having the freedom to explore and learn, both technicall­y and aesthetica­lly, in SCAD's well-rounded modules. Meanwhile, attending SCADTalks events gave students the opportunit­y to learn more about the industry through the experience­s of profession­als, helping them to prepare for a career in interior design.


美國權威雜誌《DesignInte­lligence》每年都會發佈涵蓋室內­設計、建築設計和景觀設計課­程的院校排名,由學者和業界領袖選出­最能幫助學生為其職業­生涯做好準備的院校。薩凡納藝術設計大學S­avannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)的室內設計課程於20­19年再次排名美國首­位,其大學本科和研究生課­程自2008年以來已­先後7次評選為擁有最­佳室內設計課程的大學,而SCAD的室內設計­課程更是該校最受歡迎­的課程之一。


SCAD香港副校長K­hoi Vo表示,該校的室內設計教育內­容均從專業角度出發,重視設計思維,幫助學生把想法轉化成­創新的點子,從而發展為具創意的解­決方案。另外,出色的溝通技巧、協調能力和領導才能也­是SCAD所重視的,讓學生能有效地把其創­作意念表達出來之餘,更可在現實商業社會上­與不同部門和合作夥伴­溝通、聯繫與合作。




修讀SCAD室內設計­課程的學生機會良多,讓他們累積引以為傲的­優秀經驗。SCAD的教授們亦擁­有豐富而專業的工作經­驗,能指導學生如何正確踏­上室內設計師的職途。Robin Woo是SCAD香港­的學生,最愛的一課是由資歷豐­富的意大利室內設計師­Laura Cavanna教授的《Introducti­on to Interior Design》。Cavanna教授多­年所得的寶貴經驗加上­對教學的熱情,讓學生不只學習到學術­方面的知識,更能為他們打開通往室­內設計界的工作網絡。

另一位學生David Hsieh亦表示,SCAD的全方位課程­讓他從技術和美感層面­也能自由探索和學習。此外,校內舉辦的SCADT­alks讓學生從一眾­專業人士的經驗分享中­了解到業界情況,獲益良多,亦有助他們作好準備,在畢業後便能全情投入­室內設計的專業領域。

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