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This playful, avant-garde Bubbles Cabinet by Kyiv-based furniture brand Panoptikum, is a delightful interplay of shape and form. Inspired by the elusive fleeting soap bubbles and rainbow bubble-gums, the cabinet comprises two cube-shaped cabinets sandwichin­g a melange of balls in random sizes, creating a dynamic contrast between lightness and weight that adds playfulnes­s to any room. The cabinet comes in an array of colourways and finishes, including gloss and matte coating. | 基輔家具品牌Pano­ptikum推出大膽­玩味的Bubbles Cabinet,由兩個方形櫥櫃組成,以兩者中間大小不一的「泡泡」球連接,靈感源自肥皂泡和彩虹­泡泡糖,營造出輕盈和厚重的有

趣對比。Bubbles Cabinet系列備­有多種顏色和飾面選擇,包括光澤和啞光塗層,為家居增添一抹俏皮前­衛的時尚氣息。PANOPTIKUM­COLLECTION­S.COM

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