Home Journal

Finding Yourself

- JENNIFER CHAN Managing Editor

I’m holed up in a 600-year-old Ming Dynasty relic in Anhui as I write this. To be more precise, I’m seated at an ancient window-side desk in a heritage hotel room in what was once an historical building. The bamboo blinds are drawn halfway, showcasing a line-up of pen brushes hanging in front of the window, with a copy of the Heart Sutra on the desk, inviting guests to indulge in the age-old practice of calligraph­y.

For the first time in my life, I’m compelled to write this Ed’s Note by hand on an actual piece of paper, just as people did in the days before digital convenienc­e, despite my laptop being an arm’s length away. The reason? The hotel itself seems to encourage it.

Nestled in Chengkan Old Town, the 600-year-old Sunyata Hotel hotel marries history and modernity, where the wealth of Ming furniture and architectu­ral components now mingle in harmony with a modern co ee shop, designer furniture, and even abstract oil paintings.

Coupled with the pleasant, even gentle way the sta serve and speak, the experience ushers you into a state of absolute calm, the kind that calls for the simplicity of pen on paper. And this tactile pleasure, I must say, is as meditative as my yoga routine.

“There are quite a few heritage hotels here,” says a local craftsman, whose wooden handiwork furnishes the hotel. “But some are too modern, erasing the traces of the past; some are not modern enough, a bit too gloomy and scary. This one strikes the best balance between history and modernity.”

Honouring the past is at the heart of the renovation project here, evident in the chic co ee shop, where the raw beauty of the foundation remains exposed and unadorned, and the walls that bear their age are highlighte­d merely by an artistic vase. Everything here hits the right note, no more, no less.

This spot-on perfection is also reflected in the service – a hot footbath prepared for you after a day’s hike; sta ensuring the right temperatur­e for your shower; others preparing your preferred skim milk just for you, and then insisting you take the rest away with you out of concern that your next hotel may not have it in stock. Such experience­s, I must say, surpass even that of internatio­nal five-star establishm­ents. Luxury isn’t about extravagan­ce; it’s about making you feel understood and cared for.

This travel issue is packed with hotels that check all the boxes. Consider Amanfayun in Hangzhou—a serene invitation to spiritual renewal. Or learn about our cover stars, Jay Leung and Maggie Mo, who are working on alternativ­e mobile travel accommodat­ions that are 3D-printed and can be relocated from town to town. We also reveal our selections for the world’s 10 best designer hotels and resorts. While not all are 5-star, they do more than enchant—they inspire. Just as I was inspired to go back to pen and paper, as these places embody travel’s true values: growth, discovery, and the sheer joy of starting anew. That’s why we should never stop exploring. Now, let the journey begin.




「村 的古蹟酒店倒也不少。」一位為酒店供應木家具­的匠人指。「但有些過分現代,抹去了舊時痕跡;有些又不夠現代,過分陰森。在百年歷史與現代感之­間拿捏得最出色的,便是這家。」



今期旅遊特刊介紹的酒­店,除了設計一絕,也有著懂你寵你的天份。隱於杭州山水之間的安­縵養雲便是例子之一。由隱藏在竹林小徑的酒­店入口、質樸無華的夯土製農屋,到屋內的一窗一瓦、一枱一櫈,以至所有酒店員工的服­務態度,無一讓住客得嚐返樸歸­真的生活方式。而今期封面人物Jay Leung和Magg­ie Mo亦帶來創新的3D­打印流動旅遊住宿選擇,以推動環保建築設計。另外,我們更精選出十大設計­師酒店和度假村,它們也許不全是五星級­品牌,但所提供的體驗也絕不­遜色。一家酒店能讓我重拾紙­筆之趣,也能為帶來新的視野、新的成長,這正正是我們需要定期­遊歷的原因。

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