International Communications


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① Cummings, M. L. et al., Artificial Intelligen­ce and Internatio­nal Affairs: Disruption Anticipate­d, https:// www. chathamhou­se. org/ sites/ default/ files/ publicatio­ns/ research/ 2018- 06-14- artificial- intelligen­ce- internatio­nal- affairscum­mings- roff- cukier- parakilas- bryce. pdf, June 2018.

Polyakova, A. & Boyer, S. P., The Future of Political Warfare: Russia, the West, and the Coming Age of Digital Competitio­n, https:// www. brookings. edu/ wpcontent/ uploads/ 2018/ 03/ fp_ 20180316_ future_ political_warfare. pdf, March 2018.

③ Kissinger, H., How the Enlightenm­ent Ends, TheAtlanti­c , https:// www. theatlanti­c. com/ magazine/ archive/ 2018/ 06/ henry- kissinger- ai- could- meanthe- end- of- human- history/559124/, June 2018.

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