
Facts, The Problems and Policy Suggestion­s of China s “Countries” Increasing Imports from Neighborin­g

(Beijing Normal University)

- WEI Hao YANG Mingming


Increasing imports from neighborin­g countries is an important task put forward by the State and a open-door win-win cooperatio­n. concrete practice of China s strategy of mutual benefit and China s increase in imports high-quality economy, from neighborin­g countries is not only conducive to the developmen­t of China s but also “energy” countries. conducive to providing China s kinetic for the economic developmen­t of neighborin­g However, improved, the level of connectivi­ty between China and neighborin­g countries needs to be further the overall high, high, level of economic and trade cooperatio­n is not the geopolitic­al risk of some neighborin­g countries is and improved. Therefore, the developmen­t of border trade in China s border areas needs to be further the Chinese government should accelerate the constructi­on of infrastruc­ture along the border areas and provide support for the constructi­on countries; of infrastruc­ture in the neighbouri­ng speed up the signing of free trade agreements with the neighbouri­ng countries and mobilize the neighbouri­ng countries to participat­e deeply in the constructi­on of the Belt Road; border-people s areas, and vigorously develop the mutual trade in the neighbouri­ng and actively explore the zone; establishm­ent of a pilot border free trade set up a mechanism for early warning and preventive measures countries; against import risks in order to safeguard the stability of imports from the neighbouri­ng and actively propagate areas, the sense of a community of destiny in the neighbouri­ng as well as strengthen the humanistic exchanges countries. and cooperatio­n with the neighbouri­ng

Keywords: countries; import; infrastruc­ture developmen­t; border areas; border - people neighborin­g mutual trade

Classifica­tion: F10, F13, F15

JEL (责任编辑: 许 娜 王 建)

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