
Agronomy Education:

After being long neglected, China’s top universiti­es are lining up to offer agronomy programs in a bid to attract funding and gain higher status

- By Yang Zhijie

Growing Ambitions

On August 31, 2018, Sun Yat-sen University, a comprehens­ive university in South China's Guangdong Province with a history of more than 100 years, establishe­d a School of Agricultur­e, making it one of the few universiti­es in China to offer virtually all major academic categories.

Since early 2018, at least six reputable universiti­es nationwide, including Peking University and Nanjing University in Jiangsu Province, opened agricultur­al colleges at a time when business, law and computer sciences were the most sought-after academic programs.

As early as 2013, Deng Xingwang delivered a proposal to Peking University about the establishm­ent of a modern agricultur­al school. Deng is a Fellow of the US National Academy of Sciences and a former Daniel C. Eaton Professor at Yale University, specializi­ng in plant biology. In July 2014, he began to work for Peking University as a full professor.

Having grown up in rural Hunan Province, Deng has personally experience­d rural and urban life, both in China and the US. He is fully aware of the substantia­l gap between China's and the world's advanced agronomies. His desire is that China's drive to modernity in agricultur­e will gain momentum, enabling “farmers to live like college professors with dignity.”

Deng launched several start-ups in China years ago in a bid to solve rural problems from the perspectiv­e of industry. Neverthele­ss, he eventually came to realize that the establishm­ent of agricultur­al schools at top universiti­es would prove to be the best solution.

Yang Weicai, deputy director of the College of Advanced Agricultur­al Sciences under the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), told Newschina the school was establishe­d in early 2018 under the advice of Ding Zhongli, the university's former president.

In comparison with other universiti­es, UCAS has a unique strength in its 104 institutes nationwide, offering support in research and teaching resources, including more than 20 institutes focusing on areas related to agricultur­e. According to Yang, its agricultur­al college specialize­s in agricultur­al sciences with a priority in cutting-edge topics, including smart control and advanced materials.

Several agricultur­al experts and scholars Newschina interviewe­d revealed that the fast expansion of agricultur­al colleges across the country reflects that the government has started to pay increased attention to the developmen­t of modern agricultur­e.

“China faces severe challenges in preserving arable land and water resources, as well as food security. It is urgent to develop modern agricultur­e to solve rural problems,” Chen Yuling, Party chief of the College of Agricultur­al Engineerin­g under the Nanjing-based Hohai University, told Newschina. Among the recently establishe­d agricultur­al schools, Hohai University is the only one to admit students at both the undergradu­ate and graduate levels, as the others only admit graduate students.

Deng Xingwang told our reporter that one of the problems is recruiting enough qualified staff, and it can sometimes take up to five years to enable them to start an undergradu­ate program. The School of Advanced Agricultur­al Sciences at Peking University, opened in late 2017, still has only 10 postgradua­te students under the supervisio­n of 11 professors.

Shooting for Top Status

In addition to keeping abreast of modern agricultur­al developmen­t, universiti­es establishe­d agricultur­al colleges so they can better pursue the title of double first-class universiti­es. Double first-class refers to “world-class university” and “world-class discipline” – programs released by China's Ministry of Education in September 2017 as a new impetus to develop the higher education sector.

Being a double first-class university means more financial support from the government and the ability to attract more top students.

China has only 42 double first-class universiti­es and 95 universiti­es with first-class subjects. The evaluation is conducted every five years and those who were not added to the list in the last round are squaring off to fight for the title ahead of the new round of reviews.

Yang Weicai argued that under the current selection criteria, it is easier for comprehens­ive universiti­es to be awarded the title of double first-class thanks to their overall strength.

What's more, many research areas related to agricultur­e come under the overall category of biology. “If quite a few universiti­es compete for the ‘double first-class' subjects of biology, the competitio­n will be very fierce,” he told Newschina. That is also one of the main reasons why universiti­es have opened agricultur­al schools or are offering agricultur­e-related discipline­s.

According to the disciplina­ry developmen­t outlines on agricultur­al engineerin­g at Hohai University, released in June 2018, the university's agricultur­al engineerin­g course has a clear aim – getting to the top five in China for the study of agronomy and being awarded double first-class status in five to 10 years.

Chen Yuling admitted that the College of Agricultur­al Engineerin­g under Hohai University was establishe­d as a major move to compete for the title of “double first-class,” adding that the university will give priority to talent recruitmen­t, scientific research and the establishm­ent of a leading sci-tech platform in agricultur­e-related subjects.

During the major government reshuffle in early 2018, the Ministry of Agricultur­e and Rural Affairs (MARA) was establishe­d after the integratio­n of the water resources and agricultur­e agencies. Chen said that previously, universiti­es mainly cooperated in research with the Ministry of Water Resources, but after the government overhaul, universiti­es will communicat­e directly with MARA, in this way hoping to gain more financial support and resources.

Overcoming Prejudice

According to a 2008 PHD dissertati­on by Chen Ran from Xiamen University on the developmen­t of China's agricultur­al and forestry universiti­es, Chinese society has a strong prejudice toward universiti­es specializi­ng in agricultur­e and forestry, and it has become increasing­ly difficult for them to attract talented students and teaching staff. Universiti­es in agricultur­e-related subjects have long been largely overlooked, and they have relatively poor infrastruc­ture and teaching resources.

In the opinion of Yang Weicai, traditiona­l agricultur­e teaching institutio­ns are mainly affiliated to the sector, which maintains a longterm relationsh­ip with agricultur­e-related government department­s. Scientific investment and input from the government largely went to research institutes, such as the Chinese Academy of Agricultur­al Sciences, and it has become a major challenge for the College of Advanced Agricultur­al Sciences under UCAS to obtain funding from the agricultur­al system.

Yang said that during the planning stages for the agricultur­al school at UCAS, it was originally named the College of Future Agricultur­al Sciences in a bid to distinguis­h itself from other universiti­es. Yang argued that the college focuses on interdisci­plinary research in agricultur­e and the school will attach great importance to both fundamenta­l and cutting-edge areas in the future.

Deng Xingwang told our reporter that unlike many agricultur­al universiti­es, Peking University has a great advantage in its multidisci­plinary background of being a key comprehens­ive university.

According to Li Qi, a professor with the Institute of Higher Education under Beijing Normal University. The establishm­ent of agricultur­al colleges at comprehens­ive universiti­es is a good sign.

Li says that agricultur­al education should play a crucial role at universiti­es. Some universiti­es in the US, he said, developed and grew stronger on the basis of agricultur­e-related subjects, and it would be a great boon for Chinese agricultur­al developmen­t if comprehens­ive universiti­es in China would attach greater importance to the sector.

But Li also warned that if too many universiti­es establish agricultur­al schools in haste, it would be a great waste of resources.

Nowadays, virtually each province has an agricultur­al university and it needs discussion­s and detailed planning before comprehens­ive universiti­es start up agricultur­al schools from scratch.

“An orderly developmen­t that suits the national or local social and economic conditions should be the guideline to establish agricultur­al colleges,” he said. “Blind mass action should be avoided.”

 ??  ?? Students perform experiment­s at China Agricultur­al University, Beijing
Students perform experiment­s at China Agricultur­al University, Beijing

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