Shanghai Daily

Montreal daily turns non-profit in Net era

- (AFP)

THE Montreal daily La Presse, after ending its 134-year-old print edition and going digital, said on Tuesday it will become a non-profit entity reliant on donations and government support.

In doing so, Canada’s leading French-language newspaper declared the forprofit business model in the media sector a failure, after decades of plummeting subscripti­ons and advertisin­g revenues.

The newspaper will also severe ties with the powerful Desmarais family, which has interests in oil company Total and buildings material maker LafargeHol­cim.

The family will provide a parting donation of C$50 million (US$42 million) to the newspaper to help it find its new footing.

To be viable, La Presse is also counting on a boost from government tax incentives on “philanthro­pic concepts, in addition to direct aid,” the paper said.

Several United States and European newspapers are set up as non-profits, with backing from wealthy foundation­s and donors bankrollin­g investigat­ive and public interest journalism.

But in Canada, La Presse is the first major newspaper to adopt this template.

Canadian Heritage Minister Melanie Joly noted that the government earmarked C$50 million in its last budget to support local journalism. “We said in the 2018 budget that we are prepared to explore new models for media, including allowing philanthro­pic donations,” she said.

La Presse launched a tablet edition in the spring of 2013, and on January 1 stopped publishing its print edition for the first time since 1884.

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