Shanghai Daily

Handpicked special ingredient­s put up the price but ensure top quality

- Labazhou,

Though the honey locust seed is rich in fiber, it’s actually high in carbohydra­tes and low in both protein and fat, and it doesn’t have the beauty benefits that many sellers advertise.

Lotus seeds and dried lily bulb

The lotus seeds and dried lily bulb are two all-time classic ingredient­s in Chinese desserts. Boasting certain health benefits such as calming the spirit, nourishing the heart and tonifying the spleen and kidney, they are also very affordable and easy to cook.

Dried lotus seeds are sold with or without the green germ in the middle, the germ is bitter in property and taste, and often brewed as tea to decrease internal heat and calm the mind.

The white lotus seeds have a slightly sweet smell and taste plus a bean-like texture. The dried seeds are soaked in water for a few hours before they are cooked in congee or white fungus soup. It’s one of the eight ingredient­s in

the rice porridge eaten during the Laba Festival (the eight day of the 12th lunar month).

Lotus seed paste is a popular filling for mooncakes and Chinese pastries. It’s made by grounding boiled lotus seeds into a paste and stir-frying with sugar and oil until the moisture is gone.

The lily bulb is another Chinese ingredient with medicinal properties. The small thin flakes are the edible part of the lily plant which provides protein, calcium and vitamins. It’s often eaten to relieve coughing, a dry throat and clear heat.

Both fresh and dried lily bulbs are used in Chinese cooking. The fresh lily bulbs are often stir-fried with celery and the dried bulbs stewed in congees or sweet soups.

A simple recipe for the summer is stewing the dried lily bulbs with mung beans and rock sugar. The soup can be served hot or chilled, and can even be frozen into popsicles.

It’s important to use both the lotus seeds and lily bulbs in moderation.

 ??  ?? Pumpkin jujube lotus seed soup
Pumpkin jujube lotus seed soup
 ??  ?? Celery and lily bulb stir-fry
Celery and lily bulb stir-fry
 ??  ?? Lily bulb
Lily bulb

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