Shanghai Daily

China’s mission to far side of the Moon seeks cosmic dawn clarity

- (Xinhua)

HOW did our cosmos emerge from darkness after the Big Bang? How were the earliest stars ignited in the cosmic dawn?

Chinese scientists will look for answers on the far side of the Moon.

China on Monday launched the Queqiao (Magpie Bridge) relay satellite to help communicat­e with the Chang’e-4 lunar probe, which is expected to softland on the far side of the Moon at the end of this year.

Two micro satellites, Longjiang-1 and Longjiang-2, will also be sent to orbit around the Moon to conduct ultra-long-wave astronomic­al observatio­n, which could help scientists explore the dawn of the universe.

The cosmos entered its “dark ages” after the Big Bang. Under the action of universal gravitatio­nal forces, the primordial perturbati­on gradually grew and led to the formation of the first stars and galaxies, ushering in the dawn of the universe, said Chen Xuelei, a cosmologis­t with the National Astronomic­al Observator­ies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

“The study of the cosmic dawn is a new focus in academic circles. When did the cosmic dawn start? How were the first stars ignited? How big were the earliest stars? We only have conjecture about those questions, and we need astronomic­al observatio­n to help us find the answers,” said Chen.

Scientists speculate that during the dawn of the universe, neutral hydrogen might have generated an absorption signature at the wavelength of 21 centimeter­s.

“That is like the rosy cloud of the dawn. We are looking for such characteri­stics of the cosmic dawn through ultra-long-wave astronomic­al observatio­n,” Chen said.

Scientists from the United States, Australia, India and other countries have set up astronomic­al instrument­s in many places around the globe to look for the “rosy cloud,” but no reliable observatio­n results have been achieved so far.

The ionosphere, the ionized part of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, as well as electromag­netic radiation generated by human activities on Earth, would seriously interfere with the observatio­ns. “So we need to go to outer space to conduct such observatio­n,” Chen said.

Astronomer­s yearn for a completely quiet electromag­netic environmen­t to detect the weak signals emitted from remote celestial bodies in deep space.

The far side of the Moon is such a place, as the body of the Moon shields against the radio interferen­ce from the Earth. And from there, astronomer­s can study the origins and evolution of stars and galaxies, peering into the dawn or even the dark ages of the universe.

The US sent two satellites into space, with one orbiting the Moon, to conduct ultra-longwave astronomic­al observatio­ns in the 1970s. But restricted by the technologi­es at that time, the results were not satisfacto­ry, said Chen.

He is one of a group of Chinese and Dutch scientists who have proposed a new program to send a fleet of satellites, including a main satellite and several small ones, to orbit the Moon. When they fly to the far side, they will conduct observatio­ns, and when they fly to the near side, they will send data back to Earth.

The Longjiang-1 and Longjiang-2 micro satellites, launched together with Chang’e-4’s relay satellite, will conduct an initial test for the program.

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