Shanghai Daily

US says all eligible children reunited with their parents

- (AP)

THE Trump administra­tion says all eligible small children separated from their families as a result of its zero-tolerance immigratio­n policy have been reunited with their parents.

But nearly half of the children under 5 remain separated from their families because of safety concerns, the deportatio­n of their parents and other issues, the administra­tion said.

The administra­tion was under a court mandate to reunify families separated between early May and June 20, when US President Donald Trump signed an executive order that stopped separation­s. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on behalf of a woman who had been separated from her child, and US District Court Judge Dana Sabraw ordered all children reunited with their parents.

The ACLU said it was reviewing the government’s statement and would comment later.

Fifty-seven children were reunified with their parents as of yesterday morning, administra­tion officials said.

“Throughout the reunificat­ion process, our goal has been the well-being of the children and returning them to a safe environmen­t,” said a statement from the heads of the three agencies responsibl­e for the process. “Of course, there remains a tremendous amount of hard work and similar obstacles facing our teams in reuniting the remaining families. The Trump administra­tion does not approach this mission lightly.”

The officials said 46 of the children were not eligible to be reunited with their parents; a dozen parents had already been deported and were being contacted by the administra­tion. Nine were in custody of the US Marshals Service for other offenses.

In 22 other cases, adults posed safety concerns, they said. Officials said 11 adults had serious criminal histories including child cruelty, murder or human smuggling. Seven were not determined to be a parent, one had a false birth certificat­e, one had allegedly abused the child. Another planned to house the child with an adult charged with sexually abusing a child.

The zero-tolerance policy calls for the criminal prosecutio­n of anyone caught crossing the border illegally. Because parents can’t take their children to jail, they were separated. The move caused an internatio­nal uproar. At least 2,300 children were separated from about 2,200 adults until the executive order was signed. Federal officials have been scrambling to reunite the children under a tight, two-week deadline set by the judge.

Part of the issue is that the systems weren’t set up to reunify parents with their children, they’re set up to manage tens of thousands of minors who cross the border illegally without family.

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