Shanghai Daily

China’s ‘vegetarian cheese’ has health benefits

- Hongfang baifang qingfang “Baifang Baifang Hongfang hongfang baifang zaofang, Qingfang qingfang. Qingfang qingfang qingfang

Besides being a delicious condiment, fermented tofu, as a soy product, contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc, though the high sodium level should also be noted.

Fermented tofu around China

Fermented tofu, also called is sold across China in every supermarke­t as a staple of the Chinese lifestyle. It’s the “vegetarian Chinese cheese” that not only brings more vibrant flavors to dishes and meals, but also boasts some health benefits from the fermentati­on.

The most common types of fermented tofu are the (red fermented tofu), (white fermented tofu) and (green fermented tofu).

and are what I keep in the fridge throughout the year, they are simple yet versatile condiments. I also add them into stir-fries sometimes because it brings more complex flavors to the vegetables and meat,” said Zhou Li, who often cooks with fermented tofu.

originated in Guilin in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and is regarded as one of the “three treasures of Guilin” alongside Sanhua wine and Guilin chili paste.

Highlighti­ng the original, simple taste of fermented tofu, plain is most often eaten with rice congee, pancakes or steamed buns as a daily staple in southern China.

There are other varieties of white fermented tofu. The spicy Guilin-style fermented tofu with chili oil is very popular nationwide. It is briny, spiced and firm. While the Yangzhou-style white fermented tofu, known as is much lighter and milder, because the addition of distilled grain brings sweetness to the salty brine.

In Yunnan, there’s the renowned Mouding furu that has a bright red-colored spicy chili coating wrapped outside the creamy and soft white fermented tofu.

The Guanghe furu from Guangdong Province is another iconic fermented tofu label in China created in 1893 by Fang Shoutang. A special culture is used to create the smooth and lingering flavor.

Originatin­g in the Qing Dynasty (16441911), this glistening delicacy is only produced from November to March every year, because the air drying and fermentati­on require certain weather conditions. If it’s too humid and hot, the fermented tofu wouldn’t have its strong fragrance and firmness.

To neutralize the saltiness in white fermented tofu, drizzling a little bit of sesame oil and sprinkling some granulated sugar can help a lot, but not everyone can accept this sweet and savory combinatio­n.

is another popular fermented tofu that gains its red color from the red yeast rice added in the brining liquor. The inside of the red fermented tofu, however, is actually yellow. It has softer texture and sweeter taste, which is especially appealing to children.

“The red fermented tofu is great in stews and rich braised meat dishes because the flavor is not straightfo­rwardly salty but has a hint of sweetness. The bright color can also make the dishes look more vibrant and appetizing,” said Zhou.

Classic recipes include pig trotter braised in red fermented tofu sauce, braised pork belly with red fermented tofu and water spinach stir-fry.

is enjoyed by fewer people because of its distinct stinky smell, the origin of which is credited to Wang Zhihe in the Qing Dynasty.

It is told that Wang once stored leftover tofu in a jar in the hot summer and forgot about it. In the fall, he opened the jar to find that the smelly tofu cubes had gone greenish colored, but the taste wasn’t bad at all. Rather, it was very creamy and smooth.

Wang expanded his business selling the stinky furu. Empress Dowager Cixi favored the condiment and named it

is like the Chinese blue cheese. It’s eaten as a spread on pancakes and steamed buns. People seldom cook with because it’s difficult to incorporat­e the strong flavor in common dishes.

“It’s either love or hate, my father likes

and used to keep a jar at home but my mother never touched it. He said it was smelly yet tasty, but I cannot overcome the stinky smell, too,” said Zhou.

 ??  ?? Braised pork belly with red fermented tofu
Braised pork belly with red fermented tofu

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