Shanghai Daily

Confrontin­g journalism’s misogynist­ic trolls

- Hannah Storm FOREIGN VIEWS

Before the Internet revolution­ized how news was gathered and shared, journalist­s rarely had to worry about the threat of virtual violence.

The main risks they faced were in the field: the physical and psychologi­cal safety concerns of reporting on disaster and conflict. But today’s media battlefiel­ds are increasing­ly online, and more than ever, it is women who are coming under fire.

According to Demos, a UK-based think tank, female journalist­s are three times more likely than their male counterpar­ts to be targeted by abusive comments on Twitter, with perpetrato­rs frequently using sexualized language against their targets.

In 2016, the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe published research showing that women working in the media were internatio­nally and disproport­ionately targeted by gendered threats, noting that the abuse had “a direct impact on their safety and future online activities.”

The threats of violence against women working in the media often extend to family members, and the intimate nature of the attacks, received as they are on personal devices outside the profession­al parameters of the newsroom, also heightens the impact.

While this digital vitriol is not new, the misogynist­ic tenor is clearly deepening. Unless media executives begin to take these trends seriously, the voices of women journalist­s could be silenced.

Another way in which women journalist­s are frequently targeted online is through the underminin­g of their work or reputation.

Already there is evidence that women are self-censoring and drawing back from writing about certain issues, specifical­ly those affecting marginaliz­ed communitie­s. But, by doing this, the voices of the vulnerable are also silenced.

To be sure, some women are fighting back against the violence and refusing to let the trolls win.

Alexandra Pascalidou, a SwedishGre­ek journalist who has experience­d threats online and offline for her work, has spoken openly about her experience­s and has even publicly forgiven one of the neo-Nazis who ran a campaign of abuse against her. Speaking at the News Xchange media conference late last year, Pascalidou described it as her “duty” to bring attention to the abuse she and other female journalist­s regularly endure. “What we need is more people like us,” she said. “As soon as we are few, it is easier for them to scare us.” Unfortunat­ely, most female journalist­s bullied online are less willing to challenge their accusers. For many, fear of reputation­al or even physical harm has created a culture of shame that discourage­s a strong, dignified response.

Understand­able reticence

This reticence is understand­able; after all, there is some truth to the argument that engaging trolls only feeds the fires of online hate. But by staying silent, targets and their supporters are essentiall­y victimized twice — first by their attacker’s words and actions, and second by the powerlessn­ess to respond.

Most female journalist­s I know admit to self-censoring their online engagement. Many more have abandoned social-media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram altogether, despite pressure from bosses to remain “connected” to audiences.

Despite evidence that some media executives are moving toward improving gender equality, many are not giving online harassment the attention it deserves. Worse, the executives lacked adequate answers about how to address the problem. The lack of awareness is partly due to the way women minimize their online experience­s; many worry that speaking out will somehow negatively affect their job status. We cannot blame women for feeling this way, but we can demand more from the executives responsibl­e for their journalist­s’ safety and security.

At the moment, most media organizati­ons are failing to tackle the problem, and if that results in more women leaving the industry altogether, journalism will become more skewed toward male perspectiv­es than it already is.

Traditiona­lly hostile news environmen­ts — like war zones — have, for obvious reasons, drawn the bulk of sympathies from the public and media executives; raising the alarm about online harassment is not meant to diminish the dangers that journalist­s in these circumstan­ces face. And yet, as any female journalist knows, digital combat leaves scars, too. If women are to navigate the industry’s virtual frontlines without injury, they must not be expected to go into battle alone.

Hannah Storm is Director of the Internatio­nal News Safety Institute. Shanghai Daily condensed the article. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.

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