Shanghai Daily

Austria reverses asylum-seeker policy

- (AFP)

AUSTRIA will no longer allow asylum seekers to take up apprentice­ship opportunit­ies while their claims are being assessed, a policy reversal by the country’s anti-immigratio­n government criticized by the opposition.

The government is working on a new regulation to fill vacant training places with laborers from third countries, but will no longer open them to asylum-seekers, government spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffentha­l told the Austrian news agency APA late Sunday.

The decision reverses a 2012 policy aimed at integratin­g refugees.

A coalition of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’ conservati­ve People’s Party (VPOe) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) has governed Austria since last year, winning votes on an anti-immigratio­n platform following the 2015 surge in arrivals of asylum-seekers.

The opposition criticized the policy reversal.

Christian Kern, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPOe), said closing these opportunit­ies for asylum seekers but opening them to other foreigners was “misguided as well as malicious,” accusing the government of increasing problems it said it was solving.

Austrian media and rights groups have recently highlighte­d some controvers­ial asylum rejections, such as a case where an Afghan asylum seeker’s claim that he could not return to his country because he was gay was rejected because he did not “act or dress” like a homosexual.

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