Shanghai Daily

Swedes enjoy top-class health care. Well, mostly

- Ilgin Karlidag

Asia Nader didn’t know whether to worry more about being diagnosed with a hole in her heart at the age of 21, or having to wait a year for Swedish doctors to fix it.

“I completely fell apart when I found out,” she said, rememberin­g the long agonising months until she finally had her operation in June this year, one month before her 23rd birthday.

Sweden has the fifth-highest life expectancy in Europe and cancer survival rates are among the continent’s highest, according to 2017 OECD figures.

But Swedes are frustrated over their universal health care, one of the main pillars of their cherished welfare state, with long-waiting queues due to a shortage of nurses and available doctors in some areas.

“Swedes have little confidence that politician­s will solve this,” said Lisa Pelling, chief analyst at progressiv­e think tank Arena Ide.

“There is a risk their faith in the welfare state will be eroded,” she said.

Swedes, who on average pay more than half of their income in tax, see access to health care as the most important issue in today’s general election, polls suggested.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven’s Social Democrats, the largest party, are on course for a record-low score, after losing voters disgruntle­d over rising immigratio­n putting a strain on the welfare system to the far-right Sweden Democrats.

Swedish law stipulates patients should wait no more than 90 days to undergo surgery or see a specialist. Yet every third patient waits longer, according to government figures.

Patients must also see a general practition­er within seven days, the second-longest deadline in Europe after Portugal (15 days).

Yet waiting times vary dramatical­ly across Sweden’s 21 counties responsibl­e for financing hospitals.

One dental patient in central Dalarna county said six months passed before his check-up, while emergency room queues at Stockholm’s largest hospitals average four hours.

The 2016 nationwide median wait for prostate cancer surgery was 120 days, but 271 days in the northern county of Vasterbott­en, official figures show.

Swedes also complain about not being able to see their own regular general practition­er — and the ensuing lack of continuity — as a growing number of doctors and nurses are temporary hires employed by staffing companies.

About 80 percent of the health care sector is in need of nurses, according to official data.

Online services where patients see a doctor via webcam, have mushroomed as a result.

“Every time you seek help you also see a new doctor... This makes us lose time on assessment­s and follow-ups,” said Heidi Stenmyren, president of the Swedish Medical Associatio­n.

In Solleftea, the premier’s northern hometown with nearly 20,000 residents, the only maternity ward was shut down last year to save money.

With the closest maternity ward now 200 kilometers away, midwives offer parents-to-be classes on how to deliver babies in cars — which some have since done.

Sweden has the EU’s third-highest spending on health care — 11 percent of its GDP — and the heart attack survival rate is above the OECD average.

“I get worried sometimes when people disparage Swedish health care as if it didn’t work at all ... It’s not black or white,” Lofven told Swedish television SVT.

But the number of hospital beds has declined in recent years, as has the average length of stay.

Frustratio­ns peaked this year when it emerged that the bill for Stockholm’s over-budget state-of-the-art New Karolinska Hospital would tick in at 61.4 billion kronor (US$6.7 billion) — the most expensive hospital in the world.

And yet patients have had to be transferre­d to other overcrowde­d hospitals because some of the facilities are unusable.

Making matters worse, Sweden’s aging population has growing health care needs.

“In only five years, we will have 70,000 more people aged 75 or older ... and that comes with more frequent illnesses,” Lofven said.

His Social Democrats have vowed to spend 3 billion kronor to hire more health care staff if re-elected.

The opposition Moderates, which governed for two consecutiv­e terms before the Social Democrats took power in 2014, meanwhile want to reintroduc­e a law that rewards counties for shortening queues. But critics say this just encourages doctors to prioritize easily-solved cases.

 ??  ?? Sweden has the fifth-highest life expectancy in Europe and cancer survival rates are among the continent’s highest, according to 2017 OECD figures. — Hellof
Sweden has the fifth-highest life expectancy in Europe and cancer survival rates are among the continent’s highest, according to 2017 OECD figures. — Hellof

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