Shanghai Daily

Breakthrou­ghs bring hope for war-torn Yemen

- (AFP)

UN chief Antonio Guterres announced yesterday a series of breakthrou­ghs in talks with rivals in the Yemen conflict, including a cease-fire for a vital port.

In a highly symbolic gesture on the seventh and final day of the UN-brokered peace talks in Sweden, Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani and rebel negotiator Mohammed Abdelsalam shook hands to loud applause.

However, a number of issues remain unresolved and a new round of talks will take place at the end of January, Guterres said.

The conflict has triggered what the UN calls the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis, with 14 million Yemenis now at the brink of mass starvation.

Guterres, who flew in to Sweden late Wednesday, announced that the government and Houthi rebels had agreed on a ceasefire in the port of Hodeida, the main entry point for imported food and aid.

“There is a cease-fire declared for the whole governorat­e of Hodeida in the agreement and there will be both from the city and the harbor a withdrawal of all forces,” he told reporters.

Pullout ‘within days’

UN special envoy Martin Griffiths, who is due to brief the Security Council on Yemen today, said the pullout should take place “within days.”

Guterres said the United Nations would play a “leading role” in monitoring the Red Sea port, which is currently controlled by the rebels, and facilitate aid access to the civilian population.

In addition, the rivals have reached a “mutual understand­ing” on Yemen’s third city of Taiz, the scene of some of the most intense battles in the conflict.

But no deal has been reached on the future of the airport in the capital Sanaa or on economic measures that are vital to help the country’s population.

The January talks will focus on a framework for negotiatio­ns on a political process, which Guterres said was the only solution to the conflict.

Internatio­nal pressure has been mounting to halt the fighting between the Iran-linked Houthis and the government of Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, backed by Saudi Arabia and its military allies, with the US Senate, Saudi Arabia and the UAE honing in on the fragile talks.

The warring parties have been in the rural Swedish village of Rimbo for a week to try to hammer out agreement on a number of key issues.

The rebels control both Hodeida and the capital Sanaa while the Saudi-led military coalition controls Yemen’s maritime borders and airspace.

Sanaa airport has been closed to commercial flights for nearly three years and Griffiths said its fate would be discussed at the next round.

“It’s clear and it’s public knowledge that starting point is opening up to commercial flights, maybe domestic at first, and eventually (internatio­nal),” he added.

Anger at the human cost of the war has prompted a harder line in the internatio­nal community over the Yemen war.

The Sweden talks mark the first meeting in two years between the northern Huthi rebels and the Hadi government. The last round of talks, hosted by Kuwait in 2016, collapsed after more than three months of negotiatio­ns with no breakthrou­gh.

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