Shanghai Daily

Fake Disney ‘early park entry’ card scam busted

- Chen Huizhi

TEN people suspected of selling fake Shanghai Disneyland passes have been apprehende­d, police said yesterday.

It is claimed they made and sold fake “early park entry” passes, which allow visitors into the park an hour ahead of the official opening time.

Visitors with this type of pass use a special gate. Police at the resort became suspicious when an unusually large number of visitors gathered at the gate on the morning of July 18.

Some had purchased passes online and received them in the form of cards from a person that morning. The cards looked like room door key cards from a hotel in the resort. The hotel’s guests can enter the park ahead of time with such cards.

However, police noticed that the cards had the same entry code printed on the back, and didn’t have an electronic chip.

Police said they caught a man surnamed Zhang suspected of making the cards. He had sold over 50 cards that morning and had another 375 on him.

Pan Zheng, a police officer at the resort, said: “There’s no such thing as a card-shaped ‘early park entry.’ Such passes are only sold through the park’s official website in the form of QR codes loaded onto visitors’ mobile phone park app.”

Police said the fake cards were being sold for over 100 yuan (US$14), but the price of the early park entry is usually under 150 yuan.

Two people among the 10 suspects caught allegedly handed fake cards to visitors while the others allegedly worked at online shops selling the cards. Five of them have been arrested.

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