Shanghai Daily

Forum sheds light on townships

- Yang Jian

TOWNSHIP government­s across the Yangtze River Delta region will work together to develop innovative management methods to drive the integrated developmen­t of the region.

Some 500 township directors and officials across China shared their experience­s on social management over the weekend at the second China Township Director Forum in Shanghai’s 700-year-old Luodian Town in Baoshan District.

Themed on “refined management,” the officials with China’s grassroots government bodies presented their best practices at the forum.

China has about 20,000 towns, 10,000 villages and 8,000 subdistric­ts. These basiclevel government bodies ensure the nation’s management and future developmen­t.

An ecology and greenery demonstrat­ion zone has been establishe­d in the delta region to ensure cooperatio­n among towns and villages , said Zhang Zhongwei, deputy director of the zone.

Qu Xinchang, Party secretary of Luodian, shared his experience­s of township and subdistric­t developmen­ts.

Luodian dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368) and was once the biggest marketplac­e in the area, known as “Golden Luodian,” but the “golden” tag gradually faded amid urban developmen­t.

To restore its historic feel, the township built modern residentia­l communitie­s to improve the living conditions of local people and eco-friendly industrial parks, and began luring tourists to its old sites.

Volunteers and thirdparty firms help manage the communitie­s, Qu said. Residents and villagers are encouraged to take part in social management.

In a 4.7-square-kilometer area around Luodian ancient town, historical structures will be restored to their original look.

The area around Meilan Lake where the forum is being held will feature a Nordic-style recreation town with sports facilities, high-end businesses and commercial facilities.

Quality education and medical resources will also be introduced, officials said.

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