Shanghai Daily

Xinjiang chief says no force can stop region from moving toward stability


THE head of the government of Xinjiang yesterday said the region is determined on counterter­rorism and deradicali­zation while maintainin­g developmen­t.

“Not any force can stop Xinjiang from moving toward stability, developmen­t and prosperity,” said Shohrat Zakir, chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China. “The unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and their endeavors to strive forward can not be deterred either.”

He made the remarks at a press conference in Beijing attended by senior Xinjiang officials.

No terrorist incidents have occurred in Xinjiang in three years, where social public security has improved significan­tly, Shohrat Zakir said. He said the counterter­rorism and deradicali­zation efforts made by the region in recent years have laid a solid foundation for the social stability and enduring peace in Xinjiang.

The education and training programs in Xinjiang have yielded positive results, said Xu Hairong, Party chief of the regional capital Urumqi.

It saved to the greatest extent trainees with a history of terrorism, religious extremism or criminal behaviors, eliminated the ground and conditions for terrorism and religious extremism and protected the citizens’ basic right to be free from the harm of terrorism and religious extremism, according to Xu.

“People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have truly felt that without the education and training, the current peaceful days would not be possible,” Xu said.

Shohrat Zakir said the trainees had all graduated after learning standard spoken and written Chinese, vocational skills and understand­ing the law. With the help of the government, they had achieved stable employment, improved their quality of life and have been living a happy life, he said.

For the next step, Xinjiang will offer regular and open education and training to village officials, Party members in rural areas, farmers and herdsmen and unemployed middle school graduates who have the willingnes­s and need for such education, he noted. Training programs will be tailored to meet trainees’ needs, and the periods of programs will vary based on the courses.

Erkin Tuniyaz, vice chairman of Xinjiang, said that in 2017, Xinjiang’s GDP reached 1 trillion yuan (US$142 billion) for the first time, while the number in the first three quarters this year rose by 6.1 percent year on year. The region received over 200 million tourists from January to October.

Shohrat Zakir also slammed the passing of the so-called “Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019” by the US House of

Representa­tives, saying that it seriously violated internatio­nal law and the basic norms governing internatio­nal relations and grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs.

Certain people in the United States should abandon their political bias and stop playing with double standards in terms of counterter­rorism and deradicali­zation issues, he said.

More than 2.38 million people in Xinjiang have been lifted out of poverty since 2014, and the people in Xinjiang are now enjoying a growing sense of fulfillmen­t, happiness and security, said Shohrat Zakir.

The poverty head count ratio in Xinjiang dropped from 22.84 percent at the beginning of 2014 to 6.51 percent, he said. The employment services have been boosted for college graduates, while people are also encouraged to start their own businesses.


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