Shanghai Daily

China to support vulnerable countries


CHINA will provide support within its capacity to countries with weaker health systems to help them strengthen their epidemic prevention and control capabiliti­es, a foreign ministry spokespers­on said yesterday.

Zhao Lijian made the remarks when asked to comment on a statement by World Health Organizati­on DirectorGe­neral Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s at a meeting of African Union health ministers on Saturday.

Tedros said the WHO is still worried about the spread of the novel coronaviru­s (COVID-19) in countries with weaker health systems and called on the internatio­nal community to support the most vulnerable nations.

Since the outbreak, the Chinese government has taken the most comprehens­ive, stringent and thorough prevention and control measures, which have achieved remarkable effects, Zhao said.

Quoting Tedros, Zhao said that China’s effective measures have contained the spread of the virus inside China and to other countries, providing time for the world to prepare for the epidemic.

African countries have provided precious support and assistance to China after the epidemic despite their limited resources, the spokespers­on said.

Noting that the 36th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council and the AU Peace and Security Council Meeting have issued communique­s in support of China’s efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronaviru­s, Zhao said the meeting of health ministers of AU member states also praised China’s anti-epidemic measures. “Africa stands with China in times of adversity. This is a perfect demonstrat­ion of a community with a shared future for mankind,” he added.

China will continue to implement the results of the Belt and Road constructi­on and the outcomes of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperatio­n Beijing Summit, and provide support within its capacity to countries with weaker health systems to help them strengthen their epidemic prevention and control capabiliti­es.


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