Shanghai Daily

130 asymptomat­ic cases reported


A TOTAL of 130 new asymptomat­ic COVID-19 cases were reported on China’s mainland on Tuesday, while two were confirmed of being infected with the virus and 302 were discharged from medical observatio­n, the National Health Commission said yesterday.

The commission said that 1,367 asymptomat­ic-infected patients were still under medical observatio­n, dropping by 174 from the previous day.

It was the first time it has released such data following public concern over people who have tested positive but are not showing symptoms.

The central Hubei Province, which was hit hard by the outbreak, confirmed 47 asymptomat­ic COVID-19 patients on Tuesday, bringing the total to 982.

In China, asymptomat­ic cases will not be added to the overall tally unless they later show clinical symptoms. Experts agree that asymptomat­ic patients are likely to be infectious, but it remains unknown how responsibl­e they are for spreading the deadly virus.

Last week, WHO epidemiolo­gist Maria van Kerkhove said that symptomati­c patients were the main drivers of transmissi­on in the majority of cases, while most of those classified as asymptomat­ic developed symptoms a few days after diagnosis.

China says all detected asymptomat­ic cases and their close contacts must be put under medical observatio­n.

Chinese respirator­y expert Zhong Nanshan said last week that asymptomat­ic carriers could potentiall­y infect “3 to 3.5 people each.”

Many other countries including South Korea and Japan count asymptomat­ic cases in their national tallies of confirmed diagnoses.

Health officials also reported the first imported case from abroad in Wuhan, capital of Hubei, heightenin­g fears of infections being brought into China from other countries.

The imported case was a Chinese national studying in Britain, who arrived in the city last week as it started to gradually lift travel restrictio­ns imposed to control the outbreak. The city had seen no new cases for seven consecutiv­e days as of Monday.

Of 36 new cases reported on Tuesday, 35 were imported from abroad. The single new domestic case was reported in Guangdong Province.

Tuesday’s imported cases was down from 48 a day earlier, taking total infections arriving from overseas to 806.

Big cities including Beijing and Shanghai has announced a series of dramatic measures to control imported cases, including testing people arriving from overseas, to determine those who are infected but do not show symptoms.


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