Shanghai Daily

Biden fractures foot while playing with his dog


US President-elect Joe Biden will likely wear a walking boot for the next several weeks as he recovers from breaking his right foot while playing with one of his dogs, his doctor said.

Biden suffered the injury on Saturday and visited an orthopedis­t in Newark, Delaware on Sunday afternoon, his office said.

“Initial X-rays did not show any obvious fracture,” but medical staff ordered a more detailed CT scan, his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said in a statement. The subsequent scan found tiny fractures of two small bones in the middle of his right foot, O’Connor said. “It is anticipate­d that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks.”

Fractures are a concern generally as people age, but Biden’s appear to be relatively mild based on his doctor’s statement and the planned treatment. At 78 he will be the oldest president when he’s inaugurate­d in January. But he often dismissed questions about his age during the campaign.

Last December, he released a doctor’s report that disclosed he takes a statin to keep his cholestero­l at healthy levels, but his doctor described him as “healthy, vigorous” and “fit to successful­ly execute the duties of the Presidency.”

Meanwhile, Biden is moving forward to form his administra­tion. Yesterday, he announced an all-female senior press team, reflecting his stated desire to build out the diversity at White House.

Biden campaign communicat­ions director Kate Bedingfiel­d will serve as Biden’s White House communicat­ions director. Jen Psaki, a longtime Democratic spokeswoma­n, will be his press secretary.

Four of the seven top communicat­ions roles will be filled by women of color. It’s the first time the entire senior White House communicat­ions team will be women.

In a statement, Biden said: “Communicat­ing directly and truthfully to the American people is one of the most important duties of a president, and this team will be entrusted with the tremendous responsibi­lity of connecting the American people to the White House.

“These qualified, experience­d communicat­ors bring diverse perspectiv­es to their work and a shared commitment to building this country back better.”

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