Shanghai Daily

Commit fully to sustained multilater­al cooperatio­n

- Gro Harlem Brundtland

IN January last year, my fellow Elders Mary Robinson and Ban Ki-moon participat­ed in the unveiling of the Doomsday Clock, the annual indicator of global catastroph­ic risk published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. In 2020, the clock’s hands moved closer to “midnight” than they have ever been — just 100 seconds away — and they will remain there in 2021.

It is hardly reassuring that we came no closer to midnight this year. The COVID19 pandemic has served as a stark and deadly demonstrat­ion of the precarious­ness of our way of life. We have made remarkable progress on vaccines, and a new US administra­tion brings hope of renewed multilater­al cooperatio­n. But there is no doubt that the future will be rife with existentia­l threats: new pandemics, the climate crisis, nuclear conflict, and other risks that we cannot ignore.

Post-pandemic political leadership will be a crucial test of the world’s ability to rise to these challenges. Too many of our leaders have been found wanting. The virus has claimed some 2 million lives and wrought economic devastatio­n worldwide.

While mass vaccine rollouts offer some people a glimmer of hope, most of the world’s population will remain unprotecte­d for quite some time.

To be sure, US President Joe Biden’s decision to reengage with the World Health Organizati­on is a welcome signal of America’s renewed commitment to multilater­alism, as is his signing on to the COVAX scheme for equitable vaccine distributi­on. But WHO DirectorGe­neral Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s has warned that unless we do more to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines are produced and distribute­d according to the principles of universal health coverage (UHC), the result will be a “catastroph­ic moral failure.”

As a new report by The Elders shows, fully overcoming COVID-19 and equipping ourselves for future health emergencie­s requires remodeling global public-health policy around three key pillars: preparatio­n for future pandemics; ensuring UHC at national and global levels; and promoting healthier societies through holistic policies and social developmen­t.

No part of this agenda is revolution­ary or too complicate­d to deliver quickly and at scale. The challenge, as ever, is to back words with action, and to ensure that our efforts are properly funded and designed not to overlook the needs of the poor and marginaliz­ed.

Multilater­alism and solidarity

Nowhere is this more essential than vaccinatio­n policy. The rapid developmen­t of not just one but several vaccines in less than a year is an incredible achievemen­t and a triumph of human ingenuity, innovation and cooperatio­n. But it would be unpardonab­le if these precious vaccines were not equitably distribute­d around the world.

In a pandemic, we cannot hope to recover fully or repair our social fabric unless we affirm and apply the principles of multilater­alism and solidarity.

One of the most important lessons from the COVID-19 crisis is that shorttermi­sm and nationalis­m have weakened global health policy. It is now clear that national moves toward UHC must go hand in hand with multilater­al efforts to strengthen public health systems globally.

To equip these systems for future pandemics, all stakeholde­rs should define pandemic preparedne­ss and response as a “global public good” that necessitat­es a multilater­al approach, with states and global institutio­ns pooling resources, capacity and expertise.

Equally important is support (and respect) for the ongoing work of the WHO and other bodies specifical­ly charged with pandemic preparedne­ss.

In economic terms, investing in preparedne­ss to strengthen health security offers excellent value for money.

We must act on the lessons of the COVID-19 crisis to create a new “Bretton Woods moment” of innovation and creativity in the service of global governance. That is the only way to protect our shared planet and its population over the long term.

There is no question that we have the capability to solve the collective challenges we face. But we now need Biden and other global leaders to grasp this opportunit­y and commit fully to sustained multilater­al cooperatio­n. Now, as always, moving the hands of the Doomsday Clock away from midnight is a matter of political will.

Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway and former director-general of the World Health Organizati­on, is a member of The Elders. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2021.

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