Shanghai Daily

New rules for discipline in schools


CHINA’S new rules governing school disciplina­ry methods came into force yesterday, banning physical punishment and verbal abuse in primary and secondary schools.

Educators are prohibited from carrying out disciplina­ry procedures that would inflict direct physical pain on students, according to the trialed regulation­s released by the Ministry of Education last December.

Other forbidden disciplina­ry methods include verbal abuse that could harm students’ mental health, forcing students to stand still or assume physically uncomforta­ble positions for excessive amounts of time, and covert forms of punishment such as isolation.

In addition to demarcatin­g prohibited areas for teachers, the new regulation­s also clarified the conditions under which educators need to intervene and introduced a three-tiered disciplina­ry regime.

Students who commit minor offenses should only receive minor punishment­s such as being required to make oral or written apologies or undertake classroom chores.

Harsh measures for severe violations apply to children who reach their senior years in primary schools and students in middle and senior schools. Disciplina­ry options include suspension, counseling and profession­al correction sessions.

Objectivit­y, fairness and commensura­tion in meting out discipline are stressed in this process, as is the cultivatio­n of wellrounde­d individual­s.

Calls for clearer definition­s of and clarificat­ion on school disciplina­ry measures have grown stronger in China due to a rise of related controvers­ial incidents.

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