Shanghai Daily

Stage ‘Aquatic’


Adapted from Qing Dynasty (16441911) Chinese writer Pu Songling’s “Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio,” Theater SanTuoQi’s signature dance drama “Aquatic” centers on the story of a water ghost living in a deep river. In order to move into his next life, he needs to find a human who has drowned to replace him. The production features “Nuo” opera elements, one of the most ancient forms of folk opera, which originated in southwest China. Wearing opera masks, performers also combine Western physical theater movements into the production.

Dates: March 26-27 7:30pm Tickets: 80-380 yuan

Venue: 1862 Theater

Address: 1777 Binjiang Avenue, Pudong New Area

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IRISH horserace trainer Gordon Elliott confirmed on Sunday that an image circulatin­g on social media of him sitting on a dead horse is genuine and apologized for “any offense caused.” The imaged showed Elliott, a threetime Grand National winner, sitting on a dead horse at a training yard while making a phone call. Elliott, 42, said he was “cooperatin­g fully” with the Irish Horseracin­g Regulatory Board which has launched an investigat­ion into the image. “I apologize profoundly for any offense that this photo has caused,” Elliott said in a statement. “The photo in question was taken some time ago and occurred after a horse had died of an apparent heart attack on the gallops.”


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