Shanghai Daily

EU’s digital levy plan is put on hold


THE European Commission said yesterday it would delay its plan to propose an EU digital tax in order to not jeopardize efforts to secure a global deal on fairer taxation.

After an “extraordin­ary” breakthrou­gh at G20 talks on Saturday, “we have decided to put on hold our work on a proposal for a digital levy,” an EU spokesman said, a day after Washington asked Brussels to delay its tax plan.

Meeting in Venice, G20 finance ministers on Saturday endorsed a plan agreed by 132 countries to overhaul the way multinatio­nal companies, including US digital giants, are taxed.

The G20 called on negotiator­s to swiftly address the remaining issues and finalize the agreement by October.

They approved the result of negotiatio­ns at the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t for a global minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15 percent, and to allow nations to tax a share of the profits of the world’s biggest companies regardless of where they are headquarte­red.

The European Commission has insisted its new levy plan, that was due to be unveiled later this month, would conform with whatever is agreed at the OECD and would hit thousands of companies, including European ones.

Money raised from the digital tax is intended to help pay for the bloc’s 750-billion-euro (US$60 billion) post-pandemic recovery plan.

Three EU countries have yet to sign up to the OECD agreement.

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