Shanghai Daily



Happy Birthday: Remain calm, regardless of what’s happening around you this year. Use your intelligen­ce and intuition to guide you through the good times and bad. Refuse to let other people’s uncertaint­y bring you down or stand between you and what you want to create. Be bold, do your research, and discover and implement your ideas with confidence. Your numbers are 6, 13, 24, 26, 31, 38, 43.

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Shoot for stability, security and a steady pace forward. Leave nothing to chance or in someone else’s hands. A broad view implemente­d practicall­y will help shed light on what’s possible. Refuse to let anyone mislead or take advantage of you.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Haste makes waste. Implement discipline and pay attention to detail. Don’t overlook something that can make a difference in the outcome of a matter that can influence your income. Do things right the first time.

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22)

A call for help will put you in good company. Do your best and make a difference, and good things will transpire. Look for an opportunit­y, and you’ll regain momentum and initiate a friendship with someone who can help you advance.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Go over every detail before agreeing on something based on emotions. A change may appear to be your only option, but if you view your situation from a distance, you’ll find a solution that saves you time and money.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec 21)

There is money to be made if you are diligent about doing what you do best and marketing what you have to offer. Putting more time and effort into your surroundin­gs will make it easier to work from home.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

A change will bring you peace of mind, but it may not please everyone. Refuse to let someone use emotional manipulati­on to sway your opinion. You must go with your gut and do what’s best for you.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Two unique options you receive will lead to temptation. When in doubt, sit tight and wait for a sign that indicates what to do next. Time is on your side and will allow you to recognize what’s in your best interest. Opportunit­y knocks.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Don’t take on more than you can handle or let temptation lead the way. Pace yourself and focus on selfimprov­ement. Keep your life simple. Make physical strength and good health your objectives. Romance is encouraged.

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Check the facts, set the pace and don’t stop until you achieve your goal. A problem at home mustn’t dictate how well you handle responsibi­lities. When in doubt, get the facts and proceed with confidence. Anger and envy will lead to loss.

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20)

You’ll face confusion if you or someone else sends mixed messages. Consider what you want and don’t lose sight of your objective. Recognize when someone is trying to use you to get ahead. Concentrat­e on self-improvemen­t.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20)

Carefully pick out the people you choose to spend time with. Take pride in living a healthy lifestyle. Take the lead instead of following someone less likely to put themselves first. Make your destinatio­n of choice one of peace and love.

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22)

The more you give, the more you’ll get in return. A labor of love will make you feel good about yourself and those you work alongside. Think, and you’ll develop a prosperous plan that invites you to make a move.


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