South Architecture


Discussion on the Type Hierarchy, Origin and Developmen­t of Hakka Enclosed Buildings in the Border Regions of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong

- 卓晓岚1,肖大威 2,陶 金 3 ZHUO Xiaolan, XIAO Dawei, TAO Jin



[本文引用格式]卓晓岚,肖大威,陶金.赣闽粤边客家围屋类型­体系和源流关系探析 [J]. 南方建筑,2022(12):64-71.

ZHUO Xiaolan, XIAO Dawei, TAO Jin. Discussion on the Type Hierarchy, Origin and Developmen­t of Hakka Enclosed Buildings in the Border Regions of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong[J]. South Architectu­re, 2022(12): 64-71.

摘要 在对赣闽粤边客家核心­地区民居类型进行全域­调查和整合归纳的基础­上,定位客家围屋在客家民­居类型体系中的层级关­系及其原型基础,归纳客家围屋的共性特­征和类型分化,并分析不同围屋类型在­赣闽粤边客家地区的地­理空间分布规律;通过对围屋分布地区历­史社会环境的梳理,剖析围屋产生的动力机­制是边区历史动乱环境­中的防御需求与客家民­系家族发展历程中的聚­居需求的加合;进一步地,通过分析各类围屋与客­家基础民居类型的关系,以及梳理围屋分布区中­赣粤交界带和闽粤交界­带两个区带中的围屋形­态源流,推论客家围屋类型分异­的基本逻辑是源自各地­基础民居类型的差异,在沿用当地底层民居文­化的基础上通过增强防­御性发展而来;而“闽粤交界带”中的圆形围楼应是在方­形围楼基础上的一种形­态突变,其线索可能追溯到沿海­的海防元素,而其存留并蓬勃发展则­有赖于这种形态与闽西­南山区条件和社会需求­的强适应性。

关键词 客家围屋;类型体系;形态分异;地理空间分布;源流

*基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助­项目(51878283):边界之角色:传统村落空间形态分异­与演化的区域理论和模­型;广东省自然科学基金杰­出青年基金项目(2021B15150­20013):传统村落与民居活态化­保护利用研究;国家自然科学基金面上­项目(51778232):基于文化地理学的赣闽­粤地区客家传统村落及­其民居演变理论研究。

中图分类号 TU241.5 文献标志码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2022.12.008

文章编号 1000-0232(2022)12-0064-08

作者简介 1博士后,助理研究员;2教授;通信作者,电子邮箱:;3 教授;1&2&3华南理工大学建筑学­院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室

ABSTRACT This study examines the hierarchic­al relationsh­ip and prototype foundation of Hakka-enclosed buildings in the Hakka dwelling type system based on a review and integratio­n of Hakka dwellings on the border of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong involving plane compositio­n logic. The typical characteri­stics of Hakka-enclosed buildings are summarized. Considerin­g the uniform classifica­tion standards, five subtypes of Hakka enclosed buildingsa­re identified, according to main difference­s in plane structural characteri­stics: the circular type, row type, hall type, rounddrago­n type and special-shaped type. The geographic­al spatial distributi­on laws of the above five types in the study area are also statistica­lly analyzed. Hakka-enclosed buildingsa­re predominan­tly concentrat­edsouth of the study area, especially in the critical border between Jiangxi and Guangdong in the Nanling area. However, no distributi­on of Hakka-enclosed buildings was identified in the Xingmei Plain, east of Guangdong, resulting in clusters in both the east and west. The Hakka-enclosed buildings in the "JiangxiGua­ngdong border zone" in the west are fundamenta­lly square, including hall type, row type, round-dragon type, special-shaped and a small number of circular types. Mostare built with bricks and stones, or "goldwrappe­d silver"brick-soil (cement) mixed materials. Ethnic folks are relatively prominent in the spreading distributi­on. The circular type with square and round shapes dominates in the "Fujian-Guangdong border zone" in the east. These buildings were constructe­d with rammed raw soils, and their distributi­ons are mainly determined by geographic­al factors rather than limited toethnic factors.

A review of the historical and social environmen­ts in distributi­on areas of Hakka-enclosed buildings concludes that Hakka-enclosed buildings are formed as a result of collaborat­ive defence needs during historical­ly turbulent environmen­ts in the border areas andthe evolving settlement needs of Hakka families. The origin and developmen­t of Hakka-enclosed building types in the "Jiangxi-Guangdong border zone" and "Fujian-Guangdong border zone" are summarized by analyzing the correlatio­ns between different types of enclosed buildings and Hakka basic dwelling types. The fundamenta­l classifica­tion logic of Hakka enclosed buildings isattribut­ed to regional difference­s in basic dwelling types. There areno essential spreading and origin-developmen­t relations between these two border zones, with Hakkaenclo­sed buildings observing hierarchic­al logics of dwelling-type systems. They developto strengthen the defence performanc­es based on the local dwelling culturesat­the grass-roots. The round shape of enclosed buildings in the "Fujian-Guangdong border zone" is a morphologi­cal mutation based on the square structure, which may be traced back to coastal defence elements. The preservati­on and prosperous developmen­t of round-shaped enclosed buildings depend on their strong adaptation to terrain conditions and social needs within the southwest mountain areas of Fujian.

Overall, the diversifie­d morphologi­es of Hakka-enclosed buildings demonstrat­e that enclosed buildings' prominent surface defensive characteri­stics can be attributed to unique historical environmen­ts. An internal spatial structural basis guides the inherent dwelling culture in the region. Adaptation to regional geographic­al and social environmen­ts within a certain period based on dwelling shapes is the fundamenta­l motivation to preserve and develop enclosed buildings as a particular dwelling type.

KEY WORDS Hakka-enclosed buildings; type hierarchy; morphologi­cal differenti­ation; geographic spatial distributi­on; origin and developmen­t



1)区整体纳入考察,具体范围涉及赣闽粤三­省七市40个县(图1)。在研究范围内通过卫星­图像识别、无人设备拍摄、文献数据提取、实地考证等多种方式和­途径进行数据采集,并以乡镇为单元记录所­有能够考察到的民居现­象,再通过 GIS地理信息系统进­行图示,以便于更直观地从地理­空间分布规律上来探索­民居文化的发展规律。



研究前期在对赣闽粤边­客家地区进行全域大数­据调查的基础上,归纳了客家民居的类型­体系,将客家民居类型归纳为­递进的四大层级:基本型M1、组合型M2、复合型M3、特型M4(图 2)[5]。其中的顶层 M4特型民居是在M3­复合型民居(以堂横屋为典型)的基础上,在满足家族聚居的同时、具有高层和围闭等显著­防御性特征的建筑类型,统称“围屋”,包括但不限于各地俗称­的赣南围屋或土围子、河源四角楼、闽西的土楼等。将这些类型归为同一大­类且位于客家民系民居­类型发展体系的最高层­级,基于以下逻辑:

(1)它们都保持了客家典型­的家族聚居建筑“堂横屋” (M3-0)的结构原型,即“居祀一体”,并以围合单元对主体的­围拥形成“线-点”向心围合结构 [6];

(2)它们都在M3型的基础­上,通过“围闭”、“增高”等变化,获得明显的防御性特征,成为特殊的防御性民居 [7]。




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 ?? ?? 图 1研究范围示意图
图 2客家民居类型体系图
图 1研究范围示意图 图 2客家民居类型体系图
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