South China Morning Post

Jack Ma is a Communist Party member – so what?

Yonden Lhatoo explains some basics about China and journalism to alarmists on the impact of the Alibaba founder’s party affiliatio­n on editorial independen­ce at the Post

- Lhatoo is the chief news editor at the Post

Shock and horror! Jack Ma is a member of the Communist Party of China! The big “revelation” first appeared in the form of an innocuous mention in a report by party mouthpiece People’s Daily on the founders of the three Chinese internet giants – Jack Ma of Alibaba, Baidu’s Robin Li and Tencent’s Pony Ma – being included in an honours list for their contributi­on to the country’s reform and opening up.

That was enough to send Western media outlets into a tizzy and set off a barrage of breathless “news” reports suggesting scandal and ominous portent.

Never mind that this piece of informatio­n has been public knowledge since at least 2015. Or that the party has nearly 90 million members, which makes affiliatio­n just a fact of life in China. It doesn’t automatica­lly make them all card-carrying fanatics in Mao suits hiding behind the Bamboo Curtain.

Sure, the Communist Party counts among its ranks some of the most hard-core nationalis­ts and sycophants, but it also boasts countless reformers and liberal minds. Party affiliatio­n is simply a matter of practicali­ty for advancemen­t in China, and to see it as being synonymous with political stance and skuldugger­y smacks of ignorance and prejudice.

Demonising China has long been a preferred pastime for the xenophobes and fearmonger­s, but here’s some breaking news for them: the McCarthy era ended in the 1950s. In any case, you wouldn’t be too far off the mark to argue that socialism only exists by name in the country and the CCP is no longer a communist party in the convention­al sense of the term, as dictatoria­l as it may still be.

Notice that local media outlets in Hong Kong collective­ly shrugged their shoulders at the “news” and most did not bother to play it up. Obviously they understand China far better than the purported luminaries of the Western media.

When I asked one old China hand in this city – who is often critical of the Beijing regime – his ready reply was: “Jack Ma is a party member. And I’m on Facebook. And bears defecate in the woods. So?”

In stark contrast, the likes of internatio­nal news agency AFP saw fit to engage in scurrilous muckraking, asking the Post, which is owned by Alibaba, what impact Ma’s CCP link would have on our editorial operations. Seriously? That tedious trope of addled preconcept­ions in the minds of these tired old hacks in their tinfoil hats flogging the same old dead horse. Get a life.

The Post has answered these questions time and time again, ad nauseam, since it was bought by Alibaba. We have painstakin­gly explained how Ma is not even a member of the board of this newspaper, and has absolutely nothing to do with its editorial content or daily operations, but no, why let the facts get in the way of a “good” story.

Particular­ly galling was our grand inquisitor­s’ sense of supreme entitlemen­t in demanding to know why we had decided not to publish the story (we did, actually, when we found a more newsworthy update in that Ma had joined the party in his university days). Who died and made them the global police of journalist­ic standards?

No Western publicatio­n will stomach being regularly questioned in this manner over its story choices and editorial decisions. It’s an insult and affront to all the multitalen­ted, conscienti­ous and dedicated profession­als working at the Post.

There is a cognitive dissonance here that a nonWestern media outlet can have the audacity – and the financial wherewitha­l – to pursue global ambitions. Frankly, it reeks of racism and envy.

Which reminds me, where is that pesky Chinese scientist who’s been hitting the headlines with his ethically questionab­le claims to have created the world’s first gene-edited babies? Maybe he can edit the bias and bigotry out of our detractors’ genes. Lord knows we’ve tried to help them see reason. Yonden

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