South China Morning Post

Beauty pageant gives respect to people with albinism

Those with the condition have been attacked or killed because of mistaken beliefs of magic power

- Reuters and AP in Nairobi

A Kenyan charity held a pageant for people with albinism in a bid to affirm the dignity of a group that faces discrimina­tion, violence and even murder because of the hereditary condition.

The competitio­n on Friday for 30 participan­ts was organised by the Albinism Society of Kenya with partners in Uganda and Tanzania. The winners of Mr and Miss Albinism will get cash prizes and act as ambassador­s for the partner organisati­ons.

Albinism is a rare, non-contagious, geneticall­y inherited condition that leads to a lack of pigmentati­on in the hair, skin and eyes, causing vulnerabil­ity to the sun and bright light, according to the United Nations.

The condition is said to be more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa than elsewhere. The United Nations estimates 1 in 1,400 people are affected in Tanzania and 1 in 1,000 in Zimbabwe.

People with albinism have been attacked or even killed in some African countries for their body parts because of a belief that they possess magical powers.

The pageant was titled “accept me, include me, I can”.

Okwii Simon Peter, a 26-yearold Ugandan lawyer, said he was taking part to demonstrat­e that living with albinism does not make him different.

“We are here mainly to create awareness, to do advocacy … showcasing our beauty and talent,” he told Reuters.

Valencia Bosibori, 25, said she wanted to “reach people who don’t have that knowledge of what albinism is.”

Elizabeth James of Tanzania says she was forced to change schools as a child because of the staring and pointing.

She called for an end to the ignorance that drives some to dig up graves in the misguided belief that they will bring wealth and good fortune. “The threat has reduced greatly, but it’s still there,” she says.

 ?? ?? Lucianah Nyawira, 21, of Kenya wears a traditiona­l costume.
Lucianah Nyawira, 21, of Kenya wears a traditiona­l costume.

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