South China Morning Post

This genetic adventuris­m might setback the progress of science

- Brian Wong is a master of philosophy student of politics (political theory) at Wolfson College of Oxford University

Scientist He Jiankui found himself the unlikely focus of attention of the internatio­nal scientific community last Monday, as he declared that he had created the first geneticall­y modified babies in the world – more specifical­ly, babies whose genes have been edited in a manner that prevents them from being infected by HIV.

There are two main strands of criticism that have been launched against He: the first concerns his flagrant lack of profession­alism, in flouting legal and ethical standards concerning scientific research; the second revolves around more general concerns about genetic enhancemen­t and the morality of scientific­ally modifying humans in ways that are “unnatural”.

Certain critics of genetic enhancemen­t begin with the claim that it is intrinsica­lly wrong because it allows humans to manipulate features of others that do not conform to their “natural lifespans or functions”. This objection is misguided for several reasons: firstly, there is no reason naturality should be fetishised – modern medicine, technology designed to improve our quality of life, or large-scale infrastruc­ture are all unnatural, but it is unclear why their lack of naturality disqualifi­es them from being essential components of our lives today. Secondly, genetic engineerin­g can and should be carried out to enable individual­s with genetic deficienci­es or diseases to lead lives comparable to others’ in the absence of the problemati­c gene.

It is morally counter-intuitive that an individual’s quality of life should suffer as a result of arbitrary factors beyond their control – it is neither egalitaria­n nor fair. Most fundamenta­lly, “natural” is a constantly evolving concept – we would not have found vaccinatio­ns or antibiotic­s “natural” 80 years ago.

A more potent criticism of genetic engineerin­g is perhaps the slippery slope argument – if we are editing out “faulty genes” now, who’s to say we will not be progressin­g towards a future where genetic engineerin­g is commercial­ised to produce “designer babies”.

There are several issues with this criticism. The first is to note that the slippery slope can be regulated and limited by the state. The second is that it is unclear why having “designer babies” is any worse than the status quo, where parents already shape their children’s interests and futures through enrolling them into lifestyles and values they hold.

Finally, the slippery slope argument is not an argument to do away with genetic engineerin­g of humans altogether; it is an argument for us to engage in critical reflection and debate about how and where we should draw the lines.

While the general challenges towards genetic engineerin­g of human babies may not stand, this conclusion does not stop us from condemning He’s research, which was conducted in a highly opaque manner, with apparently little to no oversight from his university or the government. This concern is particular­ly pertinent, given He’s revelation that another volunteer is pregnant with a geneticall­y modified embryo. Volunteers currently have little to no legal recourse should the experiment go awry for them.

Moreover, one of the cornerston­es of scientific ethics is that the utility yielded by the experiment must be proportion­ate to the risks and costs involved. There are many tried-andtested methods of treating HIV without resorting to genetic manipulati­on. The potential spillover harms that may follow from even one slightly misplaced gene, or an unforeseen biochemica­l interactio­n, are far too vast to render the marginal benefit worth it. In the absence of a genuine need for the experiment, He’s work appears to be little more than a vanity project.

He’s work is unrepresen­tative of the fact that genetic engineerin­g of human embryos can be, in principle, both valuable and permissibl­e. His recklessne­ss is not only a cost to the scientific community; it may also entail a deeper setback to efforts in improving cutting-edge research about genetic enhancemen­t.

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