South China Morning Post


The new high-speed railway has opened up many nearby destinatio­ns, like picturesqu­e West Lake in Huizhou in central Guangdong province

- Martin Williams

Checking the schedule for longdistan­ce, high-speed rail routes from Hong Kong’s West Kowloon terminus, it appears one of the few convenient stops for a weekend away with my wife and son is Huizhou in central Guangdong province.

Huizhou is the name of both a city and the surroundin­g county in the eastern “Greater Bay Area”, with a mix of urban areas, culture and scenery. The city was once noted for its gangsters, with a 1997 San Francisco Chronicle article describing it as being “widely regarded as [China’s] de facto capital of organised crime”.

Today Huizhou’s top tourist attraction is the West Lake, and we booked into an inexpensiv­e boutique hotel by the northwest shore.

It turns out this is in a rather sleepy neighbourh­ood with buildings hosting chic-looking cafes and hostels, along with restaurant­s serving Cantonese fare. Rows of trees flank a lakeside path. There are no triad bosses here – only families and couples strolling past, and some elderly men playing cards at a couple of tables.

China has 36 “West Lakes”, but only three are really famous: in Hangzhou, Yingzhou, and here. Huizhou’s lake was enlarged around 1966, along with the addition of pavilions and bridges.

From the 1950s to 1980s, housing projects encroached on the lake. But in 2007, the local government began a major rehabilita­tion project, protecting the remaining West Lake and several historic buildings, and constructi­ng footpaths, bridges, pavilions and corridors in Lingnan – traditiona­l Cantonese calligraph­y – style.

Now, these paths allow for fine lakeside wanders. There are straight, zigzag and arched footbridge­s connecting islets, which are like stepping stones we follow between the west and east shores of the lake.

Especially in the east, the paths skirt alongside low wooded slopes, and while downtown Huizhou is little more than a kilometre away, its high-rises are mostly hidden from view, and the landscape recalls the days of long vanished imperial China.

Informatio­n boards are dotted around, and make frequent mention of poet, statesman and gastronome Su Shi (or Su Dongpo), who was exiled here in the 11th century after his writings caused upset in the court of Song dynasty Emperor Shenzong. Statues featuring Su reflect his penchant for lychees and fair maidens.

In places, we come across older buildings, like the imposing, two-storey Sunglow Shed, which has intense red walls topped by a sweeping, green-tiled roof.

While dating from 1935, this is on the site of the original Sunglow Shed, which was built in 1530 and named after a poem that mentions “Scenery on all four sides covered in sunshine.”

The oldest structure here – and in all Huizhou city – is the 40metre tall, seven-storey Sizhou Pagoda, which was built in 1618 atop an island. This is also the lake’s most prominent manmade landmark, and is especially eye-catching when illuminate­d at night.

Immediatel­y north of West Lake, the main city area of Huizhou is set within a sharp bend in the East River, which is over 500 metres wide here. With its jumble of office blocks, it does not look too appealing, but we explore the city fringes along the near bank of the river.

Here there are remnants of old Huizhou – like a row of almost shanty style market stalls packed with fruit, vegetables and other provisions, alongside modern flat buildings, and a pedestrian-only shopping street where neighbouri­ng fashion stores compete over which can pump out the loudest dance music.

We take a taxi to West Lake’s main peak near Gaobang Shan. This is little more than 200 metres high, and a pleasant uphill walk. At the top is the imposing Guabang Pavilion, which is modelled on ancient Chinese architectu­re, yet has a lift to the fourth floor – where a balcony affords panoramic views of the land below. There are low, gently rolling wooded hills.

One slopes down to West Lake, from here appearing as a sliver of silvery water on a grey afternoon, beyond which are the high-rises clustered in the city centre. Closer, to the south, green hills cradle Honghuahu, or Red Flower Lake, an amoeba-shaped reservoir.

There is a path with some steep flights of steps to the edge of the lake. Here, we hire bicycles, and follow a route around the lake, along a road that almost hugs the contours, twisting in and out of a myriad of small bays.

The ride is enjoyable, taking around an hour to make an 18km circuit.

Then, we walk down a road to the edge of the city, and hail a taxi for the ride past West Lake’s pagoda and recently built, old-style buildings, before the journey back to Hong Kong.

While downtown Huizhou is little more than a kilometre away, its high-rises are mostly hidden


An hour and 10 minutes after leaving Kowloon, the high-speed train pulls into Huizhou South railway station. From there a slow bus takes a little over an hour to Huizhou (a taxi would be faster).

There are also buses from Kowloon Tong to the Kande Internatio­nal Hotel by the north shore of West Lake, operated by Eternal East Bus Company.


Options for accommodat­ion in Huizhou abound. We chose the Huizhou Xilin West Lake Boutique Hotel, which is like a laidback, family-run bed and breakfast place (without the breakfast), and reserved via Address: 39, Zhuwu 6th Alley, Xiajiao E Road, 516001 Huizhou.

 ?? Photo: Martin Williams ?? An old market street in Huizhou.
Photo: Martin Williams An old market street in Huizhou.

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