South China Morning Post




(Nov 23 - Dec 21) The cosmic clock is ticking away. If you have yet to embark upon a project that is new and exciting, there is still time. With Mars and Neptune providing you with the energy and ambition to win, what are you waiting for?


(Dec 22 - Jan 20) What you hear this week may sound exciting but deep down you will know that you can’t trust everything others say. By all means show an interest in suggestion­s by a friend or colleague but keep your options open.


(Jan 21 - Feb 19) Even if it is too much to expect you to start loving your boss you can make life easier for yourself on the work front by not being quite so competitiv­e. Cooperatio­n is the key to success.


(Feb 20 - Mar 20) You may not think you are up to a certain job but you won’t know until you try. You will regret it if you pass up an opportunit­y to enhance your reputation. The sun and Mars urge you to be ambitious this week.


(Mar 21 - Apr 20) Secret fears are your Achilles’ heel. As a rule of thumb you are never as confident as you look. You have serious doubts that something you are involved in is going to work. You’re wrong, it will – but only if you give it a chance.


(Apr 21 - May 21) Love is in the air and you must not dwell on anything mundane. Your ruler, Venus, planet of love, in the relationsh­ip area of your chart from today, urges you to see only the best in those you love. They already see the best in you.


(May 22 - Jun 21) Once in a while it does not hurt to bend the truth a little. If someone asks what you think of something they have done this week, tell them you love it. It may be a white lie but they could do with a confidence boost.


(Jun 22 - Jul 23) Play down your abilities this week. Let others think you are not as smart as you really are. If rivals underestim­ate what you can do they won’t try so hard, which will make it easier for you to get what you want.


(Jul 24 - Aug 23) Modesty is the best policy this week, especially when dealing with people who want to talk you up into superstard­om. It’s nice to be admired but you don’t want too good a reputation or you may not be able to live up to it.


(Aug 24 - Sep 23) If this is one of those weeks you fear will last forever, you should consider delegating some responsibi­lities. Try to manage your days more economical­ly. You can’t make more time so you will have to make less work.


(Sep 24 - Oct 23) It’s not like you to get uptight if a secret is kept from you. Usually you couldn’t care less but this week you’ll feel you are being left out of something you desperatel­y want to be in on. Is it something you really want to hear?


(Oct 24 - Nov 22) Between now and January 7, when Venus leaves your sign, you’ll be much in favour with loved ones and colleagues. Whatever you ask of them they will do. Don’t be suspicious: they just want to show how much they admire you.

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