South China Morning Post




(April 21-May 21)

Anything creative

will go well this

week. Money should not be

your motive but the new moon

and Venus moving in your

favour make it a potential plus.

If you enjoy what you are doing

it is even more likely.


(May 22-June 21)

You may not feel

like making much

of an effort this week. In fact, if

you feel like watching the world

go by, that’s fine. There’s no

law that says you must be busy

at all times. Be an observer

rather than a doer for once.


(June 22-July 23)

You seem

unbeatable just

now and maybe you are, but we

all have weaknesses and one of

them – pride – could be your

undoing. The fact that all is

going well now does not mean

it will always be this easy.


(July 24-Aug 23)

There are those

who may hope

you will fail, but most people

are willing you on to succeed.

Ask for help if you need it – you

don’t have to soldier on alone.

You have good friends and they

want you to use them.


(Aug 24-Sept 23)

This week you will

have to decide

which is more important to

you, love or ambition. You

can, of course, have both but

if you are wise you will put

personal happiness before

profession­al success.


(Sept 24-Oct 23)

You have been

pushing yourself

hard lately – maybe you know

this is one of those “now or

never” times. However, you will

achieve more if you balance

your physical and intellectu­al

efforts with relaxation.


(Oct 24-Nov 22)

Time is not a

factor in what you

are doing so there is no need to

impose deadlines. The more

pressure you put on yourself

the more likely you are to make

a mistake. Relax – everything

will work out in the end.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23-Dec 21)

You will be in a

romantic mood

this week. However, the danger

is you will put the one you

adore on a towering pedestal

and feel devastated when they

fall off. You are only human, as

are those you love.


(Dec 22-Jan 20)

Someone you are

fond of will ask

you to cover up for them this

week and you will be tempted

to do so. If you do, they will pay

dearly for it. Maybe you should

suggest, gently, that it might

be wise to face the music.


(Jan 21-Feb 19)

You will feel more

affectiona­te and

forgiving towards relatives

and friends this week. Even

strangers will be attracted to

you over the next few days.

They will sense the warmth in

your heart.


(Feb 20-Mar 20)

You are changing

things all over the

place – rarely have you been so

active. However, you do need

to take it easy occasional­ly

and if you are sensible you will

do so this week. Try spending

more time with family.


(Mar 21-April 20)

At times the

people you deal

with daily make you want to

scream, which cannot be good

for you. Your task this week

is to release all that pent-up

energy in a way that does you

good without harming others.

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