South China Morning Post

Better ways for city to manage its biodiversi­ty

Dr Winnie Tang says improved tree management starts with a comprehens­ive database, and the same is required for migratory birds, other animals and plants

- Bauhinia x blakeana Acacia confusa, Dr Winnie Tang is an adjunct professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineerin­g; Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences; and Faculty of Architectu­re, at the University of Hong Kong

The orchid tree, whose flower is Hong Kong’s emblem, is found all over the city. It is also among the trees most affected by Hong Kong’s extreme weather. Since 2019, it is among the top tree species suffering from weather damage and at least 485 trees have been lost this year, the biggest toll, the government revealed last month.

In second place with at least 421 damaged trees is the introduced to the city around 1939 as part of a forestatio­n plan. The acacia has excellent fire resistance but its decomposin­g leaves also leak chemicals into the soil that inhibit the growth of other plants, hindering biodiversi­ty.

With extreme weather becoming more common in Hong Kong, how does this affect the government’s planting strategies?

In response to tree management questions in the Legislativ­e Council last month, Acting Secretary for Developmen­t David Lam said: “The tree species selected for planting should suit the environmen­t while being able to deliver the designed functions and grow healthily in a sustainabl­e manner” – making it difficult to know the exact details of the plan. He did not disclose the proportion of trees damaged by inclement weather in respect of the species, nor the number of these trees located in the busy districts.

I believe Hong Kong’s management of trees should be more systematic and transparen­t.

We should establish a centralise­d, comprehens­ive database of the tree numbers and their distributi­on by species, age, growth characteri­stics (such as evergreen or deciduous), height and canopy width, growing environmen­t and more. Such a database, in combinatio­n with a geographic informatio­n system (GIS) and satellite or drone imaging, would help the government’s tree management, from planning to inspection and pruning.

It would allow planting strategies to be adjusted quickly, in response to factors such as pruning records and growth models – like the one used in CLP Power’s tree monitoring system, which predicts the growth rate of trees near overhead cables and generates pruning alerts.

With extreme weather becoming more common, how does this affect the government’s planting strategies?

There are several tree databases in Hong Kong. In 2001, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, which managed about 600,000 trees at the time, establishe­d the first computeris­ed tree inventory.

In 2016, the Hong Kong Housing Authority, which manages more than 100,000 trees, establishe­d a first-of-its-kind tree management system integratin­g technologi­es such as GIS, GPS (global positionin­g system), radio frequency identifica­tion and mobile technologi­es, for staff and contractor­s to assess tree risks and use in tree restoratio­n.

The government also maintains a Tree Register, described as “a database that records the location, species, condition, values and risks of trees on both government and private land”. But it uses a map by a private company rather than the Lands Department’s profession­al map, and the register is incomplete.

The government should consolidat­e all of these scattered databases into a useful, territory-wide tree management resource.

Hong Kong also needs a comprehens­ive database for effective biodiversi­ty conservati­on.

The Northern Metropolis Action Agenda released in October only mentions the possibilit­y of establishi­ng two wetland conservati­on parks, four fewer than the six conservati­on areas announced by the government two years ago.

According to the Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Conservati­on Department, we have more than 6,000 hectares of inland wetlands, mainly concentrat­ed in the northweste­rn New Territorie­s, which are “cradles of biodiversi­ty supporting countless species of plants and animals, in particular waterfowls, by providing food, breeding and nursery grounds”.

We should develop a database to record the number and species of migratory birds, as well as other animals and plants, before major constructi­on work commences, so we can see for ourselves the effectiven­ess of the conservati­on work.

Hongkonger­s care about conservati­on, and communicat­ion can be strengthen­ed to reduce any public misunderst­anding. I suggest the authoritie­s set up a key performanc­e indicator (KPI) dashboard for people to easily compare the conservati­on results of different proposals.

 ?? Photo: Dickson Lee ?? Fallen branches in Tsim Sha Tsui in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Saola this summer.
Photo: Dickson Lee Fallen branches in Tsim Sha Tsui in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Saola this summer.

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