South China Morning Post




(Mar 21-April 20) With the sun entering the financial area of your chart you will have to focus on what you earn. You don’t lack for dreams but how many of them will bring the security you crave? Give it some thought.


(April 21-May 21) The solar year is drawing to a close and soon disappoint­ments will be forgotten and life will look new and shiny again. But don’t go mad and try to do everything at once: you have a whole year to play with.


(May 22-June 21) This may not be a particular­ly busy time but it could be an important one. Forget about what is going on around you and focus on what is going on in your own mind. Think deeply about your motivation­s.


(June 22-July 23) You have high expectatio­ns and recent cosmic forces have brought you closer to your goal. But there is only so far you can go on your own and soon you will need to bring others into your game plan.


(July 24-Aug 23) The sun’s transit of the midheaven angle of your chart means you will be even more ambitious than usual and you can start now by impressing others with your willingnes­s to take on extra responsibi­lities.


(Aug 24-Sept 23) In a few days the sun will enter Taurus and there will be no holding you back. Your energy and zest for life will attract new friends and new opportunit­ies. One of the best times of the year is about to begin. Enjoy.


(Sept 24-Oct 23) You may think that the answers to life’s questions are “out there” but what happens now will show you that answers come from within. Don’t be afraid to explore your own mind. It is an interestin­g place.


(Oct 24-Nov 22) If a relationsh­ip has been flagging of late, don’t worry. The sun’s move into the partnershi­p area of your chart will give you opportunit­ies to return things to how they were. It may even be better for the experience.


(Nov 23-Dec 21) The past weeks have been a lot of fun but now you must get serious about your work and health. You also need to get on top of details that you have neglected. You can’t just gaze at the big picture every day.


(Dec 22-Jan 20) You will soon get a chance to do something creative that gets you noticed but do not go over the top or you could make as many enemies as friends. Never forget that your actions affect other people.


(Jan 21-Feb 19) It is not like you to get emotional but the sun’s change of signs will bring out your sensitive side and there may be a few tears. That is OK. The more tension you release now the less there will be to distract you later on.


(Feb 20-Mar 20) If you find yourself at odds with someone with forceful opinions it will pay you to back off a bit. However hard you try you will not change their viewpoint. Just smile sweetly and go your separate ways.

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