South China Morning Post




(April 21-May 21) You will be delighted if a friend or relative offers to do something for you but you will not be so happy if they make a bad job of it, so think twice before accepting. If they make a mistake you’ll get the blame


(May 22-June 21) Follow your instincts even if it means you are at odds with others. If you have a good idea – and you will – follow up on it immediatel­y or you will spend the next few weeks kicking yourself for being so timid.


(June 22-July 23) You can complain interminab­ly about the way others behave but it will not make any difference. Tuesday’s full moon makes it unlikely that you will get a fair hearing. So save your voice – and your energy.


(July 24-Aug 23) It is fruitless being angry with people who let you down. It may be a big deal to you but it means nothing to them, so they will ignore it. Maybe there is something you can learn from their attitude.


(Aug 24-Sept 23) Put your worries to one side and go out and have fun. Certain people may say you are avoiding your problems but that may well be the best option. The world will carry on turning no matter what you do.


(Sept 24-Oct 23) You will be either too generous or too selfish with money. If someone comes to you for a handout tell them you’ll think about it but do not part with cash now. You’ll be back to your senses by the weekend.


(Oct 24-Nov 22) You may be eager to get moving, but do not start off in such a rush that you cannot keep the pace going for more than a few hours. It is good to be eager but do not forget you are obsessive. Balance is vital.


(Nov 23-Dec 21) Limit yourself to the two or three goals you are serious about. The less you do now the more likely it is you will be successful later, so do not start anything until you have finished your current slate of projects.


(Dec 22-Jan 20) Some people may be demanding but that does not mean you have to deliver. Stand up for yourself and tell a colleague or employer that you reject their request. They may be shocked but they will respect you for it.


(Jan 21-Feb 19) A Scorpio full moon reminds you to get the balance right between your home life and career. You may want to impress those in authority but do not forget that those you love matter far more.


(Feb 20-Mar 20) Criticism of one kind or another will come your way but if you are smart you’ll simply ignore it. Cosmic activity suggests that certain people are saying bad things about you just to see how you react. So do not.


(Mar 21-April 20) An emotional full moon may make you believe your world is about to fall apart but by the weekend you will look back and wonder why you got so worked up. Do not panic – your life is fine as it is, and so are you.

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