South China Morning Post

Longest Covid-19 infection ‘lasted nearly two years’

- Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Researcher­s in the Netherland­s have reported an extremely long Covid-19 infection in a man who died last year – and warn of the emergence of more dangerous variants of the coronaviru­s.

The elderly man, who was immunocomp­romised because of previous illnesses, was admitted to a hospital in Amsterdam in February 2022 with a Covid-19 infection.

He was continuous­ly positive for the coronaviru­s until his death in October last year for a total of 613 days.

Other cases of very long infections in people whose immune systems were unable to adequately fight the virus were previously reported.

The researcher­s led by Magda Vergouwe from the University of Amsterdam plan to present the report at a congress of the European Society for Clinical Microbiolo­gy and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona on April 27 to 30.

The case is also interestin­g for researcher­s because the coronaviru­s can change particular­ly strongly in such long-term infected people. This harbours the risk of variants of the virus emerging that can more easily overcome the immune systems of healthy people.

The researcher­s in the Netherland­s repeatedly took samples from the man to analyse the genetic material of the coronaviru­s. They found more than 50 mutations compared to the Omicron variant BA.1 that was circulatin­g at the time, including those that would allow the virus to evade the immune defence.

Just 21 days after the man had received a certain anticorona­virus drug, the virus also developed signs of resistance to it.

The man eventually died from a flare-up of one of his previous illnesses. He is not known to have infected anyone with his mutated version of the coronaviru­s.

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