South China Morning Post


Ukraine fired long-range weapons for the first time last week against Russian-held areas including Crimea airfield, American officials say


Ukraine for the first time has begun using long-range ballistic missiles provided secretly by the United States, bombing a Russian military airfield in Crimea last week and Russian forces in another occupied area overnight, according to American officials.

“We’ve already sent some, we will send more now that we have additional authority and money,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

The additional ATACMS were included in a new military aid package signed by US President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

Biden approved delivery of the long-range Army Tactical Missile System, known as ATACMS, in February, and then in March the US included a “significan­t” number of them in a US$300 million aid package announced, officials said. American officials would not provide the exact number of missiles given last month or in the latest aid package, which totals about US$1 billion.

Ukraine has been forced to ration its weapons and is facing increasing Russian attacks. Ukraine had been begging for the long-range system because the missiles provide a critical ability to strike Russian targets that are farther away, allowing Ukrainian forces to stay safely out of range.

Informatio­n about the delivery was kept so quiet that lawmakers and others in recent days have been demanding that the US send the weapons – not knowing they were already in Ukraine.

For months, the US resisted sending Ukraine the long-range missiles out of concern that Kyiv could use them to hit deep into Russian territory, enraging Moscow and escalating the conflict. That was a key reason the administra­tion sent the midrange version, with a range of about 160km, in October instead.

Admiral Christophe­r Grady, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Wednesday said the White House and military planners looked carefully at the risks of providing long-range fires to Ukraine and determined the time was right to provide them.

He said long-range weapons would help Ukraine take out Russian logistics nodes and troop concentrat­ions that were not on the front lines.

Grady declined to identify what specific weapons were being provided but said they would be “very disruptive if used properly, and I’m confident they will be”.

Like many of the other sophistica­ted weapons systems provided to Ukraine, the administra­tion weighed whether their use would risk further escalating the conflict.

The administra­tion is continuing to make clear the weapons cannot be used to hit targets inside Russia. At the State Department, spokesman Vedant Patel on Wednesday said Biden directed his national security team to send the ATACMS specifying that they be used inside Ukrainian sovereign territory.

“I think the time is right, and the boss [Biden] made the decision the time is right to provide these based on where the fight is right now,” Grady said on Wednesday. “I think it was a very well-considered decision, and we really wrung it out – but again, any time you introduce a new system, any change, into a battlefiel­d, you have to think through the escalatory nature of it.”

Ukrainian officials have not publicly acknowledg­ed the receipt or use of long-range ATACMS. But in thanking Congress for passing the new aid bill on Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky noted on the social platform X that “Ukraine’s longrange capabiliti­es, artillery and air defence are extremely important tools for the quick restoratio­n of a just peace”.

One US official said the Biden administra­tion warned Russia last year that if Moscow acquired and used long-range ballistic missiles in Ukraine, Washington would provide the same capability to Kyiv. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about internal discussion­s.

Russia got some of those weapons from North Korea and had used them on the battlefiel­d in Ukraine, said the official, prompting the Biden administra­tion to greenlight the new longrange missiles.

The US had refused to confirm the long-range missiles were given to Ukraine until they were actually used on the battlefiel­d and Kyiv leaders approved the public release.

One official said the weapons were used early last week to strike the airfield in Dzhankoi, a city in Crimea, a peninsula that Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014. They were used again overnight east of the occupied city of Berdyansk.

Videos online last week showed the explosions at the airfield but officials at the time would not confirm it was the ATACMS.

Kyiv’s first use of the weapon came as political gridlock in Congress had delayed approval of a US$95 billion foreign aid package for months, including funding for Ukraine, Israel and other allies.

With the war now in its third year, Russia used the delay in US weapons deliveries and its own edge in firepower and personnel to step up attacks across eastern Ukraine. It has increasing­ly used satellite-guided gliding bombs – dropped from planes from a safe distance – to pummel Ukrainian forces beset by a shortage of troops and ammunition.

The mid-range missiles provided last year, and some of the long-range ones sent more recently, carry cluster munitions that open in the air when fired, releasing hundreds of bomblets rather than a single warhead.

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