South China Morning Post



(April 21-May 21) There will be distractio­ns in the days ahead and you’ll get frustrated at how slowly you are progressin­g. Be assertive about your private time and let it be known you need your space – and peace and quiet.


(May 22-June 21) You will need to work more closely with others this week. It will not always be easy – some will delight in rubbing you up the wrong way – but it can be done and it must be done if you are to prosper.


(June 22-July 23) You are determined to prove you have what it takes and you will show you are a force to be reckoned with. Be assertive but steer clear of aggression. It is not necessary and it does not work.


(July 24-Aug 23) If life has been getting on top of you this is the time to reverse the process. Forget about blaming others for your failures. You are the master of your fate, so get out there and make things happen.


(Aug 24-Sept 23) There is a danger you will get greedy and get sucked into a moneymakin­g scheme. Common sense should tell you it will not work and, if it does not, what happens this week will. Can you take the hint?


(Sept 24-Oct 23) You may have been half-hearted about a relationsh­ip but now you must give it your all or get out altogether. Only you can decide which way to go but you must be honest when weighing up the pros and cons.


(Oct 24-Nov 22) Your capacity for hard work will increase this week. The danger is that you will be tempted to take on too much but rather than that you do not take on anything. Your body will tell you when you are at your limit.


(Nov 23-Dec 21) Frustratio­n is lurking under that happy-go-lucky facade but as from Tuesday you’ll find it easier to channel it in creative directions. The harder you work on what you enjoy, the happier you’ll be.


(Dec 22-Jan 20) Is your life really unfair or are you just being sensitive? Mars’ entry into the most vulnerable area of your chart means you need to stand back and view the big picture. Maybe you are not so hard done by after all.


(Jan 21-Feb 19) If you do not feel like doing serious work there’s no point in forcing yourself. The most sociable area of your chart is under excellent stars, so the only plans you should be making are to go out and have fun.


(Feb 20-Mar 20) Others will not think well of you if you take a stupid risk and have to be bailed out. Money will figure over the next few days but if you see the chance to get rich you must think before you act – or you may end up poor.


(Mar 21-April 20) From now to early June your energy levels will soar so start planning and do not limit yourself to easy tasks. Set your sights higher than ever before. You do not know what you can achieve until you try.

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