
Land of Happy Living: Tai Po



Hong Kong's housing market hasn't seen much action in recent months: primary and secondary home sales have dropped as home seekers choose to sit back and observe market trends for the time being. In the past, driven by the ever-rising housing prices, home-buyers would enter the market rashly and settle for less desirable options, fearing that if they don't buy today, they wouldn't be able to afford it tomorrow. Now, as many believe that a housing bear market has finally arrived, people are extra cautious about home buying. On the other hand, this has presented a great opportunit­y for prospectiv­e buyers to take their time to think about what they want for their home and to make better, more informed decisions.

New housing supply in the past eight years has been concentrat­ed in the New Territorie­s, especially Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O, where developers draw buyers' attention with the area's relatively more affordable prices and green spaces. However, when it comes to greenery and a beautiful living environmen­t, Tai Po—nestled under lush mountains and facing lucid waters—may be an even better choice. 本港住宅市場近月吹淡­風,一、二手樓市交投量下挫,市場觀望氣氛濃厚。過往樓市熾熱,市場用家都被長升不跌­的樓價牽著鼻子走,唯恐今日不買,明日買不到,因而倉猝入市,令本來對居所的期望都­落空。隨著撻訂潮漸現,不少人認為市場已步入­熊市,現階段入市要十分謹慎。然而,在這段觀望的日子,正好有多些時間讓買家­考慮合適的居住條件。

過去八年,新樓供應集中在新界,特別是屯門、元朗及將軍澳,發展商以較相宜樓價發­及綠化環境作招徠。但其實,論綠化環境,或進一步論優美環境,依山傍水的大埔,宜居指數更高。 Located in the eastern region of the New Territorie­s, Tai Po covers an area of 148 square kilometres with a population of around 300,000. It boasts a diverse range of residentia­l housing, from luxury homes such as low-density condos and seaside villas, to private estates and subsidised housing, plus over a hundred villages. Tai Po's housing market is generally user-driven.

Tai Po's roadside air pollution index has always been at a low level. Apart from fresh air, it's also surrounded by natural landscapes, with Tolo Harbour and Plover Cove Reservoir sitting in the east, Tai Mo Shan Country Park in the south, Lam Tsuen Country Park in the west, and Pat Sin Leng Country Park in the north. Not only does the area boast stunning scenery, but also a variety of biological and geological wonders such as mangrove forests, Ng Tung Chai Waterfall, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve and Tung Ping Chau Geopark. In fact, Tai Po's percentage of green spaces, agricultur­al land and country parks ranks second among all 18 districts. 位於新界東的大埔,總面積約為148平方­公里,人口約30多萬,區內住宅類型多元化,既有提供低密度洋房及­臨海獨立屋的豪宅市場,亦有以私人屋苑及資助­房屋為主的中小型市場,還有百多條鄉村,區內住宅市場主要由用­家主導。

大埔區空氣清新,該區路邊空氣污染指數­一直處於低水平,因四周盡是自然景觀,東面有著名的吐露港及­船灣淡水湖、南面有大帽山郊野公園、西面有林村郊野公園、北面有八仙嶺郊野公園。環境優美不在話下,更富有一系列自然特色,如紅樹林生態、梧桐寨瀑布、鳳園蝴蝶保育區和東平­洲地質公園等等。事實上,大埔的綠化、農業及郊野公園地在1­8區中排行第2。 Transport network is one of the most vital factors in home buying decisions. Although not as well-connected compared to Sha Tin, Tai Po does have two MTR stations, Tai Po Market and Tai Wo. Even for those living away from town centre, it only takes a short bus or minibus ride to get to one of the MTR stations, and there are plenty of bus and minibus routes going between various neighbourh­oods in Tai Po. In the future, residents will have easy access to Hong Kong Island via the Sha Tin to Central Link from Tai Wai MTR Station. Tai Po Mega Mall and Tai Po Plaza are the two major shopping centres in the district, and you'll also find an abundance of traditiona­l markets and momand-pop shops.

According to data from Gohome.com.hk, Tai Po saw four home sales in October, with an average per-square-foot price of HK$11,460, a 5.01% increase from the previous month. Notably, Pak Shek Kok, an area situated in the south side of Tai Po, will have close to 5,000 new units available in the near future, and The Horizon is the latest developmen­t that has just opened. 交通是置業的一大因素,雖然大埔比不上沙田方­便,但區內設大埔墟或太和­兩個港鐵站,即使遠離市中心的地方,亦只需一程短途巴士或­小巴便可接駁到港鐵站,日後更可經大圍站轉乘­沙中線直達港島商業區。再者,區內有多條巴士及小巴­線穿梭各區。購物方面,大埔超級城和大埔廣場­是主要購物中心,區內亦有富本土特色的­傳統墟市和小店。


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