
Perrier-jouët Grand Brut cuveé

HK$450 from Perrier-jouët

- perrier-jouet.com

Each year Perrier-jouët presents a special illustrate­d box with a ‘rewilding' theme; this year's limited-edition box celebrates Japan and its love of art, nature and tradition of savoir-faire. The motif includes cranes—a symbol of luck and longevity—soaring over the Tokyo skyline, and the sun rising over Mount Fuji. Get your hands on a bottle before stocks run out.每年Perrier-jouët都會推出以「野化」為主題的禮盒裝特別版,今年的限量版以日本人­酷愛的藝術、大自然和手藝傳承為主­題,圖案則有象徵幸運和長­壽的鶴,在東京的天際線上飛翔,太陽從富士山升起。數量有限,欲購從速。

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